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Preparing for release...

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Dead Again
Aug 20, 2004
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All right, I've been pretty darn excited about the TFG since the information came out - way back at the end of April on Bulbanews (where you heard it first!) - and am anxiously preparing for the upcoming release.

Unfortunately, I'll have to get all information second-hand, since I don't live in Australia. But I'm still getting everything set and finding out what we already know...

- First off, I've launched Project TFG and its sub-project Project TFGDex into their early stages of development on Bulbapedia. I'll be ready to get all the new info up as soon as it's PMed to me or posted, assuming I'm not at work the moment we get it. Other helpers are always good, though.
- Can we say the launch set is named "Next Quest"? It's plastered on the top of the packages, and we know the whole game itself isn't called Next Quest.
- A while back, I made a post doing some sleuthing on some upcoming figures that have no big, clear pictures of them yet. Two of them are still unidentified. Anyone care to kill their eyes to try and figure out what they are?

So... with that, I declare the official preparation and trying-to-figure-out-all-the-prerelease-info-we-can thread open.

EDIT: Moving to new post.
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Mm, no, they look rather small - that's why I threw out the legendary theory upon seeing them, anyway.

Ah, and I just picked up something else while studying the pictures Archaic photographed. It's not mind-blowing news, but it's something that hasn't been mentioned, and something I wondered about before... here's a cropped image, with a blown-up version of the exact spot of interest, darkened since that shows the details more easily:


Numbering's going to be done exactly like in the TCG, right down to the rarity symbols - from what that number looks like, 42's the exact number in the set, and it looks like Treecko is Common and number... 11? 17? 38? 32? That number's even less legible than the other one... also, just for kicks, they evidently added the height and weight as well.

EDIT: Wow, I'm dumb. I have the original, double-sized version of those pictures. Clipped and darkened again... Treecko's definitely number 22. And for some reason, it's called 'Length', not 'Height'. Anyway, I'm going to go make a practice article...


RE-EDIT: ... in the higher quality, it looks a lot more like a diamond than a circle. Perhaps Treecko is uncommon? It'd make sense, I guess, given that it's only about halfway in the set...
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I can say I'm excited as well! Can I participate on the project? When will the to-do list be ready? As I will be a collector of the figures themselfs as well, I would have no problem taking high-quality pictures of the figures that are not on the official site, if necessary.
Looking good. I have to say, this is certainly the most interesting new development in Pokemon for some time for me. I'm a massive figure collector for the little critters as it is (My latest haul should be posted on Pokecharms tonight or tommorow) and being encouraged to get even more makes me happy :D.

I just really hope that Nintendo/The Pokemon Company stick with it. Maybe if we at Bulbagarden at least can rally behind it, maybe actually organise matches if possible (Hell, you could even play the game ala (E-)Mail Chess and simply post the results online) Nintendo/The Pokemon Company could see something they can get behind like they did with the TCG and it wont simply fall off the face of the planet.

Certainly, if it takes off even the slightest, I plan to involve Pokecharms in it somehow - simply because it's shaping up to be awesome.

By the way Pie, Number 10 on your list is Groudon.

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Ash_Pokemaster said:
I can say I'm excited as well! Can I participate on the project? When will the to-do list be ready? As I will be a collector of the figures themselfs as well, I would have no problem taking high-quality pictures of the figures that are not on the official site, if necessary.
Of course, anyone who can help is welcome to! Especially since - well, I really want all of these figures, but they're not due out in the USA until next year, and I'm too poor to import. ^^o
Doctor Oak said:
I just really hope that Nintendo/The Pokemon Company stick with it. Maybe if we at Bulbagarden at least can rally behind it, maybe actually organise matches if possible (Hell, you could even play the game ala (E-)Mail Chess and simply post the results online) Nintendo/The Pokemon Company could see something they can get behind like they did with the TCG and it wont simply fall off the face of the planet.

Certainly, if it takes off even the slightest, I plan to involve Pokecharms in it somehow - simply because it's shaping up to be awesome.

This sounds like an excellent idea. I'd love to talk with you more about what we could possibily organise here. I'm sure there's some way we could make this easy and fun for everyone.
Maybe a TFG-focused site could be set up... I wouldn't exactly be opposed to taking on another Pokémon based website... *starts doodling a few website design ideas*

It could be called PokéMountain - to reflect the third dimension of it, and to be as far away from PokéBeach as possible. XD

Just kidding, of course - I'm sure there's much better, more creative titles out there than that.

Anyway - Doc, you're sure Groudon is the tenth figure in the Next Quest set? How'd you find this out?
Pie said:
Anyway - Doc, you're sure Groudon is the tenth figure in the Next Quest set? How'd you find this out?

Because I have it. :p The Japanese Battle Figure one at least.
I don't think we can assume the Trading Figures and Battle Figures will be numbered that much alike. ^^o

Though I'm pretty sure this set will have a Groudon, too - why else would it be on one of the booster pack designs?
OH! Sorry. ^^o

Yes, Sui actually mentioned that as a possibility - but I dunno, I don't think we can see enough of it to be absolutely sure. Especally since - well, if that's Groudon, they made it a little small, didn't they? The other legendary figures are nice and big...
You can see the red of it's back, as well as the ground it's bursting out of. There aren't too many Red Ground types and it is pretty identical to the Japanese model, so i'm pretty much absolutely sure it's Groudon.

Regarding a website for the TFG, what about simply Pokemon Dimension if the 3D thing is the hook you're looking for? This is just something I threw together as a concept for it:

Ooh, love the name - though I'm not sure about showing the figures like that in the banner. The effects hurt my eyes a bit. @_@

Anyone mind if I get cracking on building this website?
Not a lot of time left before the release, hmm?

However, a while ago I e-mailed the TFG information desk hoping to get more information. Not much, but at least one confirmed suspicion...

> You mention that the starter sets will include Trainer Cards. What
> are these? Will they be like the ones found in the Trading Card Game,
> or something completely different?

A. The Trainer cards for TFG look similar to the ones for TCG, however, TCG and TFG are completely different games and the usage will be different.

> Your website previously had some video advertisements for the Trading
> Figure Game with different figures for different languages - one of
> which was not included in your gallery, a Ho-oh. Is it still planned
> to be included in the release, or were the videos taken down for other
> reasons?

A. The video was taken down because we plan to upload the latest TV spot and/or web banners.

> Am I correct in assuming there will be a Groudon figure, since it
> appears on the packaging of one of the booster packs? If so, will its
> counterpart, Kyogre, also appear?

A. Yes, there will be a Groudon figure in the first release.

You may be right, then, Doc. Now we know for sure there is a Groudon figure...
I hope the Kyogre one is the same as the Battle Figures one too, it's really cool.

Wouldn't mind knowing any info on a European date really. :/

By the way, I plan on setting up a new section on Pokecharms to cover this, but if you need help concerning databases or programming or anything else on a seperate site, Pie, i'll be more than happy to help out. I'm planning on setting up a TFG Dex soon after release when we know more about it.
Dang. That's a letdown.
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