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The ^ < V Game

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Black Widow

Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
This is a cool game i found on my friends site. heres what you do:
^ is to describe the above poster. (Shift 6)
< is to describe yourself (shift .)
V is to describe the next poster, and will most likely be wrong. (shift v)
kay lets get started!
^ Venoumous Arachnid
< New member
V Will yell at BW for double posting to get the game started.
^doesn't know that people at BMGf aren't as nazi XD
<thinks Belldaddy would close this thread if she could
\/ loves me
But, it also has the one to the side< and the one below\/. XD
^Has a good point
>Has decided not to close it.
V Will say something
^ Damn right I will.
< Likes comics
V will name the character in my avatar. And for respect points, tell me how many versions of the character there was!
^overestimates people's X-men knowledge
< likes anime
\/ probably does, too
^ Think LX has a X-Men avatar
> Knows better
V May know better.
^ Correct. The character isn't one of the X-Men. Same universe, though. He's one of the Fantastic Four. The Human Torch and there have been two. The first was an android. The second, a teenager.
< Likes some anime.
< Reads lots of comics from Marvel
< Saw Fantastic Four and liked it a lot!
V will probably still disagree about comics stuff
Last edited:
^ Likes Marvel comics. *random guess*
< Going to see "Tha Longest yard in two hours.
V Forum moderator
(No, I'm not.)

^ Was set on fire by me.
> Can't find his BWG-arc tape. ;____;
\/ Started with Pikachu in yellow version
<Started with Pikachu and was set aflame by the above poster
Vpyromaniac shipper
^said something confusing
< is an odd little girl
\/ is a member of BMG! XD
^ Speaks the truth.
> Is becoming a videogame addict again. x.x
\/ Needs to watch more digimon adventure.
^No, Digimon is not one of my interests.
<Owner of game.
VWishes s/he was the owner of this game.
^Lives in Kentucky
<Is quite off her rocker
VNeeds a hug
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