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New Member
Feb 11, 2010
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I have just planned my first team for use on Wi-Fi, etc... And i wanted some feedback from the uses of the forums. Now, i need help with the moves (doubles) and items… but otherwise:

Annoying Tank- Spiritomb- Timid @ Leftovers?
Ability- Infiltrator
EVs- Hp-252, Spe-252, Def-4
-confuse ray, painsplit, Will-o-wisp, Dark pulse

# Spiritomb as a tank, yes i know it has low Hp but it does have good def+ sp.def, also it is a dark/ ghost type meaning there aren’t many pokemon that pose a threat to him, and it role in this team is more so as a annoyer. With confuseray to make the enemy attack itself, painsplit to deal damage if they get an attack in and will-o-wisp for extra damage it makes for a good annoyer. It also gets a STAB bonus with dark pulse. The Infiltrator ability lets it get pass light screen so it can deal max damage no matter. I was thinking of using leftovers to restore Hp but I believe that blissey will benefit more from it.

Physical sweeper- Dragonite- Adamant/jolly @ muscle band
Ability- Multiscale
EVs- Atk-252, Spe-252, Sp.D-4
-Dragon dance/ ice punch, dragon claw, thunder punch, fire punch
(what moves could i use instead of? i already use ice punch, etc... on electivire)

# Dragonite has a high base attack of 134 added with 252 EVs in it makes for one strong pokemon. All his attacks are physical as to best use his stats; the muscle band he uses improves his physical attacks by an extra 10%. Dragon dance is used to improve his attack and speed. Now, all the other moves that he has are for damage, they take advantage of his really high attack-

Physical wall/ shuffler - Hippowdon- Impish @ ???
Ability- Sand Force
EVs- Hp-252, Def-252, Sp.D-4
-Earthquake, Stealth rock, slack off, roar

# Hippowdon is my physical wall, he has a good defence and hp, and I will improve these with EVs. Now, if the enemy summons a sandstorm his ability kicks in, Sand force, his ground types moves are raised in power by 30%, added with STAB damage his earthquake does a huge amount of damage. Stealth rock is a good for spiking the field causes entry damage for any of their pokemon. Slack off is for healing, and roar is to shuffle their team a bit.

Special wall/healer- Blissey- Bold @leftovers
Ability- Natural cure
EVs- Hp-252, Sp.D-252, Spe-4
-Wish, Flamethrower, protect/softboiled, toxic

# as everyone know blissey is your most common special wall/healer so I don’t really need to explain to much… flamethrower is for taking out scizor and lucario. Now, wish and softboiled are for healing, and toxic is just a way for me to deal damage while I heal/ change pokemon.

Physical sweeper 2- M.T.C. - Electivire- jolly @ expert belt
Ability- Motor drive, vital spirit
EVs- Atk-252, Spe-252, Hp-4
-wild charge, ice punch, cross chop, fire punch

#Electivire is most commonly used as a mixed sweeper but its sp.atk is really low (less than 100) this is why I have adopted his as Physical attacks only thus his EVs are in attack and speed. Electivire moves were chosen because they had Mass Type Coverage. With wild charge, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, and Fire punch, Electivire hits 13 out of the 17 types in the game for super effective damage. The expert belt increases damage by 20% if the move used is super effective against the target.


edit1: fixed abilities
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You've listed every one of those six Pokémon's abilities - which ones are you planning on using?
i listed the primary ability i wanted and the hidden ability...

edit: wait, i know pokemon are along alowed 1 ability but i throught they could have a secondary one aswell? well if they cant i'll chane things...
Yes, Pokémon can only have one ability... The hidden abilities - Dream World abilities - are abilities only accessible through the Dream World. They replace the Pokémon's usual ability, not compound their effects.
ok i've fixed it now...
you learn something new everyday...
You still need to fix the ability for your Electivire.

Even though Spiritomb looks great on paper, having no weaknesses and decent defensive stats, it's just not a great choice for a Pokémon. Your tam is, quite obviously, OU, and Spiritomb just doesn't fare that well in that tier, apart from being able to completely shut down CM Reuniclus. To add to that, it has a grand total of one resistance - Poison - which, let's face it, is almost never used as an offensive type anyway, bar use on the occasional Venusaur. There are much better Ghost-types to use, but if you really want to stick with Spiritomb, then a few changes would have to be made to make it a viable choice. First of all, the nature - why have you given it a Timid nature? It has a base Speed stat of 35, so it's not going to be outspeeding anything, even with the beneficial nature. A nature that fortifies its defensive stats (Bold, for example), would be a much better choice.

Spiritomb lacks a reliable recovery move, and the only choices there are Rest and Pain Split - the latter being the better choice - so that's fine. Will-o-Wisp and Dark Pulse, too, are good choices for moves, but Confuse Ray should be replaced with either Pursuit or a Hidden Power, depending on what's available. As you said, Leftovers would be a good choice of item for it, and, seeing as you're trying to make a competitive team, I would think that you would have a good supply of those. If not, you should.

Finally, the EVs. As I mentioned, Spiritomb won't be outspeeding anything any time soon, so get rid of those 252 Speed EVs. Having maximum investment in HP is a must, given its naturally low base stat there, and the remaining EVs should be split between the defensive stats. Will-o-Wisp will lower the opponent's Attack stat, so more EVs should be allocated to SpDef to maximise its defending capabilities on both sides of the spectrum. A spread of 252 HP/122 Def/134 SpDef, with a Sassy nature, should give you good bulk while keeping what there is of its offensive capability. Infiltrator Spiritomb hasn't been released, either, so you have no choice but to have its Pressure ability.

It looks as if you're going for a fully offensive Dragonite, so the EV spread is fine, and the nature is fine too, no matter which one you go with (Adamant would be better, though, as Dragonite isn't exactly fast anyway). It's pretty much guaranteed to be able to gain a boost from Dragon Dance if it's at full HP, so keep that move there. Dragon Claw and Fire Punch, too, are standard choices, so they're fine. For the last move, you should either have Extremespeed or Earthquake, depending on which one you can get. The item is strange, too. The lack of recoil that Life Orb gives is good, but the Muscle Band only increases the Power of moves by 10%, while Life Orb increases it by 30%. If you're planning to try to convince your opponent that you're running a Choice set, which is what people tend to try to do with Muscle Band, then it won't work at all, since you'll probably be using Dragon Dance on the first turn. Life Orb is the best option here.

Hippowdon looks fine except for the fact that Sand Force isn't released yet for that Pokémon, so you'll have no choice but to give it Sand Stream instead. There are better Pokémon to choose, too, which can work better with Blissey. Skarmory is a good example here, being able to set up Spikes and/or Stealth Rock, heal itself and pHaze other Pokémon out. It has the advantage of having the superior ability of Sturdy, too. If you do want to use Hippowdon, then your team would most ikely have to change to avoid the weather being a hindrance rather than a benefit.

Blissey looks standard, but I've always found that Ice Beam is a better choice if I ever used a set like that. Your opponents, if they have a Dragon-type on their team, would most likely take the chance to try and set up on a Blissey, knowing that they don't often carry any attacks at all, which would pretty much lose you the game, seeing as you currently have no Steel-types at all on your team. This could be helped by having a Skarmory on your team.

Electivire looks standard. If you run Motor Drive on it, have an Adamant nature.

I see problems with this team, definitely. One of the biggest is that you have no Dragon-type resistance at all, so the battle would be pretty much over if you give the opponent a chance to have their Dragon-type set up on you. The second is that you have no specially-based attacker at all, so if you fail to get Dragonite to set up, you will be walled extremely easily.
I would like to point out that you have only listed 5 Pokémon; have you forgotten the last? If not, this should be in the Complete My Team thread.
Another thing, I'm not seeing much synergy in your comments. Try and show us how your team members work together. They shouldn't merely be a combination of strong Pokémon thrown together.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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