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  • Well I gave myself a new title for this monumental event. And the other events that followed it... And most probably the blunders that will occur after it. XD Thanks for letting me know guys. Sadly I haven't been online in the past few days. Also I learned I need to drink more coffee in the morning, before I go posting anything. At all.
    Pshaw, don't worry about it. Peral's Perap helped me loads when I joined so i'm just passing it on. Just make sure that you carry on the tradition if i'm not here for the next FB noobs :x
    Just thought i'd pop by and offer some advice. Its best if you edit your post and have the bank transactions in one. This way you avoid cluttering it up.
    I guess you've already made your mind up, I picked the Enchanted forest when I started. It's not exactly the most exciting area, but I got a good adventure and it was a nice place to get a foot in.

    If I was to chose again, I'd go with Medeiville (is that what it's called?). NPC's galore and a large variety of Pokemon. There's Silverton Ranges too, but at the end of the day it's your decision. It should be pretty obvious which types of Pokemon would be available in each area, so just go for an area where you think you'd find the best captures. It doesn't really matter what you capture in there, but it is recommended as you can always release the Pokemon afterward and you unlock a few perks with a first capture (Egg House and PC Upgrades require one).

    Just go with your gut, Enchantress will make sure you have a good adventure regardless. Let me know if you need any more FB help/advice, although you should have that covered considering you're one of the first to pass :p
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