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  • Give more powers to the states. If someone wants a universal health care system, let them have it. Over there. In that other state. Where I can have the healthcare system I like. There's no need -- or provision -- for legislation such as this to be federal.

    The Legislature is the body that spends the most. Give the president the power of the line-item veto to ensure that special clauses can't be put under lock and key (With a seperate vote if necessary on these vetoed clauses to override the veto). This is how earmarks slip through in important bills.

    We need a balanced budget amendment. Go ahead, spend all you like. Just account for how it's being spent. If you want to spend trillions of dollars, do so honestly, instead of borrowing away the costs into next decade.
    Heh, thanks.

    I could lecture for hours. Here are my main concerns:

    Gerrymandering. There's no way to stop it entirely, but citizen commissions and/or computer-drawn districts limited geographically to simple shapes provide better systems. Our election was considered a massive turnover because slightly more than 60 House members lost their seats -- out of 435. There's something wrong in a system when politicians pick the people and not vice versa.

    Our Senators should be elected by the state legislators again. Now that they're voted in democratically, they distort the democratic process in comparison to the House. We have a body for the people already -- and it's the only one that can levy taxes. Let the other body go back to the States to serve as another check on the federal government.
    By "office", I assume you mean presidency. This is selective evidence; the debt has risen since WWII under FDR. No one party is at fault. And when you consider that the only debt reduction in recent memory -- under Clinton -- was prompted by the Republican takeover of Congress, your statement loses force.

    Republicans have the House with a vast turnover; there's no complete count yet. It's currently 49-46 in the Senate in favor of the Democrats, with 2 independents and 3 undecided races. It's vastly better from before.
    After all, reams have been written about America's obesity. Yet, the obese are also the poor in this country. How perverse, to be history's first country with a poor, obese population!

    How troubling, that government intervention has caused it.
    I'd never heard of this term before, so I searched it. No wonder -- The Wikipedia page states that we already have a similar program under a different name: IRA and 401(K)

    Your new tax proposal wouldn't work either. Consider the influence government spending already plays in junk food. High Fructose Corn Syrup is an easy scapegoat for taxation -- until you realize that we have so much of it because the government grants corn subsidies -- artificially increasing production. Schools have quotas on the quantity of vegetables served in a school lunch; coincidentally, potatoes -- i.e., french fries -- count as vegetables for these purposes. Food stamps prevent people from buying prepared foods; baked chicken is bad, but potato chips are acceptable.
    Raising taxes only disincourages wealth production. The US already has some of the world's highest taxes -- see capital gains -- on wealth production as to drive away businesses in droves. Our problem is in spending. You can't solve a spending problem through taxes. You're only enabling more of the problem to occur by ignoring the issue.

    So yes, I'd like to see "the Tea party in congress", as much as a non-entity can participate in Congress. (For really, the Tea Party is a spontaneous movement of individuals, whatever your media would have you read.)
    You kidding? Please, I'm hoping for a blowout. This slaughter can't come quickly enough for me.

    There isn't much spending? Total government spending is quickly approaching 7 Trillion Dollars. I can't even comprehend a number that large -- let alone explain it. Our unfunded liabilities -- the results of Social Security, Medicare, et al. -- are approaching 111 Trillion. Let that sink in. Our unfulfilled spending obligations -- our money that has been spent with no money to actually spend -- is the equivalent of 7 US economies.

    It's not even that spending is going up -- the rate of increase in spending is. (If last year spending increased by 1%, this year it increased by 2%, for example.) That military spending you cite makes up roughly 20% of our budget. Entitlement programs with fixed costs make up roughly 40-60%.
    haha. it's okay. I'm not telling you to use it or anything. I just wanted to share it with a Buizel fan (pun not intended)... :ksmile:
    Oh, hey Buizel.

    My elections are tomorrow, so I'm more concerned with politics than education. :p

    (Good luck btw. I can't take a test to save my life myself.)
    You bet I am! :-D Ash never had a Pokemon with Attract in his team and the fact that it's Tsutarja who knows it, makes the things even better. Makes we wonder if he's going to incorporate the move in his battle strategy. Hm. Although he isn't a kind of trainer who uses those moves. :|

    Tbh, I want Dento and Iris to argue more. :p I liked as well the scene in the last ep. in which Dento assumed how Ash knew Mamepato was female and then when Ash said that he had no clue. xD Lol, keep it up Ash!
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