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  • Hi, I just registered your fc, would you add mine?
    Thank you very much!
    Hey, is your trained named Ashaela?

    Edit: Ok, doesn't matter I just saw your post in the thread. x)
    Hey! Thanks, I'll add you in a minute. :D I know, it's two days for me here. So close!
    Hi there. My phone just told me you sent me a message, but I'm relatively new to Bulbapedia, so IDRK where to go to see them. Anyways, have a nice day. :)
    If they've endured this long, then a few more dents won't shatter them. Be like Aegislash; bide your time until an opening arises, then swoop in before they know what hit them! But at last the wait won't be as torturous as before, with Japan usually ahead of us by a good 4-5 months. The worldwide release date is GF's greatest brain spark in a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG time.
    Oh, we'll endure those last few days. If our shields and patience have held up this long, then we can stand the possible beat-down of a couple more days. Then, we will reap the rewards of our patience and never have to see Japan gloat at us for getting the games before us anymore!
    Heya! Just added you as well. Guess insomnia can be helpful once in a while.

    Yes, just a short wait now, especially compared to back when we first heard about them in January. Oi, these past 10 months were painful to endure! But soon, it'll all be worth it. Just a couple more days and Pokemon greatness will arrive!
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