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  • You have 21 infraction points? On here? What for? You're not wasting my time, I enjoy talking with you.
    Oh no, man, believe me I lose my temper quickly. I always bring up the same dead topics like the voice actors being replaced, the OS being an awesome series, DP not being that great, Brock being ruined in DP, etc. when I'm angry. XD.
    Have you been infracted on here before? I haven't luckily. An infraction is sort of a warning. It works with a point system, and if you reach a certain limit, your banned for a certain amount of time. A short temper isn't something to get banned for, at least if your temper is justified and you don't use bad language XD
    That's sad :-(

    I've heard Serebii has been hacked a lot.

    So I take you like it here on Bulbagarden more than on Serebii?
    Spinoff from iCarly right? I never liked iCarly that much. I do remember Drake and Josh, that show had its fun moments.
    Very funny. I like this one:

    Ash: I'm uh... ketchup... Uh no, my name is really Tom Ato.
    Misty: Well, my name... my name is Ann Chovy
    Brock: Oh, eh... my name is Caesar Salad.
    Oh yeah, one more thing. If you want the image to "repeat", like the Mega Blaziken on my page, go back to Customize my page, go to the Page Background section, and under the section Select Color Information, select "Both", where it says "None". You can also choose "Vertical" or "Horizontal", but I would recommend "Both".
    Okay, it's a bit difficult, but I'll try to explain as simple as possible.

    Step 1: Search for an image you like and save it somewhere on your computer.

    Step 2: Go to the section Community on this forums (you can find the button under the big banner at the top, it's located right under "projects" and "social groups") Under Community, click "Albums".

    Step 3: You are now on the Albums page. On the right, click the button "Create new Album". Make a title, put up a discription, and select a category (I would recommend "Profile).

    Step 4: You have now created an album. Click "Upload photos". A new window opens. Click add files. Select the image you chose earlier from the locations you saved it at. When you've done this, it shows up in your album. You only have to click "Save changes". If you've done this, the image is probably in your album.

    Step 5: Go back to your page. On the right, there is a button "Customize my profile". Click it. On the left, there is a section "Page background". As your background is still white, it is probably indicated with a white square. Click the white square. Select "use image", and then "choose image" You will have to choose an album. Select the album you made, and the image you uploaded in it shows up. Select it, and press save. Within the section "select color information", click submit. Now, at the top of the customize section there is a green button with "save". Click it. It says it has been changed. Click okay.

    If you did all this, your background has been changed. I hope it worked, I tried to put it as simply as I can.
    Okay. So what exactly do you want to change? Background, avatar, signature, something else?
    Need help with something? I'm always ready to help. So what do you want to change? Background? Avatar? Signature?
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