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  • There's a new shiny up! There will be another set up tomorrow, hopefully well before this time.
    Hi! Nice to meet you! How are you today? Yeah, my greeting is about the same as everyone else's... So, I guess you like Totodile?
    i play it badly :p

    i'm more of a slow bowler but it's been a while since i've played. i support England and love watching it :)
    Hello! Just a little heads up on your post in the thread regarding Unicode Usernames: there's no need state your acknowledgement in announcements, so please just post in them in case you have something to ask or suggest. For now, your post has been deleted.
    If you are looking for some extra posts to be able to VM/PM other users, please take a look at the sub-forums, there should be a few with some laid-back threads that should easily wage you the posts you need. :) As far as Pokémon sections go, Pokémon Video Games and Pokémon World tend to be the best for that.

    That said, welcome to Bulbagarden and enjoy your stay!
    always nice to get new friends on bulbagarden. hope you enjoy your time here :) i check in every now and then, it's a cool hangout :)
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