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  • Same here. I also have to worry if I will have enough $$ to get the games I want. Wii U games are now $60 w/o tax and I might have to get the "New 3DS" depending on if it will have Pokemon or Zelda exclusive titles. Let's hope not. D:

    Me too! Only I'm getting the physical version. xD I love Marth. I seem to have used him the most since Melee. ^^

    Are you gonna get OR/AS? I haven't decided which version I'll get yet, lol.
    Seems like you and I share the same gaming habits. XD I have so many games to finish but I keep buying games faster than I complete them. ^^

    You should. Hopefully you'll complete both WW and TP soon. XD

    SSB 3DS is about 2 days away. I can't wait to pick mine up. :D Anticipation... lol
    Mass Effect and Uncharted were fun games even though I only played the first old each. I might pick up the Mass Effect Trilogy at some point. Besides Pokemon, I really don't have a franchise that I religiously follow although I do enjoy some over others. I prefer Zelda and Mario over Call of Duty and Halo as an example. ^^

    I'm actually surprised OoT 3D didn't interest you but that's okay. :) I barely started TP so I can't judge it yet. Let me know what you think of TP when you finish it. WW HD is fun. I beat the GameCube version and liked it. Other than graphics and controls, they are basically the same game. :D
    Thanks for accepting my friend request. :)

    So what games do you enjoy playing besides Pokemon? ^^ I play mostly racing, adventure and fps.

    I recently got into the Zelda series and currently playing Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and ALBW. :)
    Oh my gosh, I never thought about the possible free or discounted sweets!! xD There's a bakery literally 3 minutes away from where I live and I think they needed a person at the register/pack orders/make coffee or tea! What's your favorite type of sweet? This bakery has really good chocolate mousse and tiramisu. <333 Oh, that's great! It was definitely a win-win for you! :) Have you ever played WW before or is this the first time? Oh shoot!!!! I just checked if any of my local GameStops have the WW bundles and the nearest one is 10 miles away (low stock)!!! >.< I have 5 local GameStops within 15 minutes of my house! :/ Ugh, I missed my chance but it's okay! It's better to not spend money I don't have! If it's still available at that store by December (and it probably won't be), I could probably buy it.

    I'm planning to try and make at least $1000 working Saturdays and Sundays by at least the beginning of June. My best friend and I reeeeally want to go to Japan before we go to college! We're even planning where we want to go, what we should eat, and what to buy! xD I decided that eating at Japanese 7-11 would be the most affordable way to get food. It's healthy and inexpensive! :D
    You're welcome ^^ I wish you luck~

    Also, when fighting against things like rocket troopers at long distance, be sure to keep strafing (moving left or right while facing forward) to avoid their projectiles.
    Hey Ricky! Nice choice! At least you have a job and you were able to to buy it yourself! xD I'm thinking about getting a job at a fro-yo shop or bakery once I'm done with volunteer work; I don't want to keep asking my parents for things. >.< Did your GameStop really have low stock of the WW Wii Us?

    Ahh, I see! Now that you mention it, they're really could've been at least gold accents on the actual console itself! I feel like I could just buy a plain black Wii U and draw on the accents with a gold Sharpie, haha!
    I see ... that explains it then. ^^

    Ohhh ... here's a tip: Killing enemies on foot grants more experience than killing them in a vehicle. Of course, nothing's stopping you from getting an enemy down to critical health with the vehicle weapons, then hopping out and finishing him off on foot.
    Ohhh. Have you played shooters before?

    True, though I find it much more entertaining in shooters, compared to other games. Maybe cuz it's more engaging.
    Ya know, I lost my 3DS this weekend to my brother when he saw I had the demo. xD He said he'll actually consider getting a 3DS now just for Smash.

    And definitely! I'd probably get a physical copy myself, unless Fantasy Life is like Animal Crossing where it's a good idea to play daily.

    To make us go flat broke. xD
    Gosh yeah, London has a lot of good universities. I could take or leave big city life for the long term, but as far as educational opportunities with ease of reach go, I'll probably be staying here until I finish studying. I think part of me will always wish I moved out and lived with other students, but to be honest the positives of staying home for at least this year outweigh any idealistic impressions I might have, especially when I'm not really into the whole frequently getting drunk/going out every night kind of lifestyle students on campus can often seem to go for.

    Yeah, I get what you mean. I think that might be part of my problem - I envy you that. I'm the youngest so I haven't had much opportunity or need to get used to kids being around like you have. I dread to think what I'd be like as a parent as a result, to be honest!
    Good. :3

    Well, not exactly. You kinda have to just base it on their appearance. Anything robotic (i.e. all geth) are inorganic, and if something attacks you with toxic damage, it's safe to assume it's resistant to toxin ... you can also tell that if your toxic ammo does terribly low damage to it.

    Oh, right! Part of the reason you should put off Feros and Noveria is so you can get armor upgrades with higher-level toxin resistance.
    Ohhh. From my experience, Chemical/Polonium Rounds are great all around, except against toxic enemies, like those fought at certain parts in Feros and Noveria.
    Yeah, he wasn't a very sentimental/emotional person so it was pretty much one of the few ways we actually connected over anything.

    Oh! I'm glad, you're welcome then.

    I would've thought your own room would be standard there if anywhere, since you guys have so much more land to be building on :p I don't think there's such a prioritising system here, last I heard it's first come first served if you're eligible and I've actually heard of some places discouraging or disallowing anyone except first years to live in university owned halls unless they have medical reasons anyway. I actually could've made my situation even easier - there's a university with a slightly similar kind of course literally ten minutes away from me, but in the end I didn't want to be paying 9 grand a year tuition for somewhere that was closer by but wasn't my first choice of course content.

    Ah, see, my sister doesn't have any kids and I don't think she will any time especially soon, so there's no babysitting to be done around here thankfully for me - I'm okay with kids but tbh I tend to have very little patience threshold for them ever throwing a tantrum or the way younger ones can want you to give them something new to do every five minutes OR want you to play the same repetitive game over and over ten times (naturally visiting my cousin and her two year old is a pretty tiring experience for me). But I'm glad you get to see your niece and nephew. Are you really good with kids?
    Oh. Yeah, I had sort of a fast learning experience. :p That came after my "blind idiot" run though.
    Hopefully. ^^

    It took me a while to find it. I played the ME3 demo because it was a bonus download with ... something I don't remember, but I didn't actually get the trilogy until last August.
    I haven't actually, instead near $80 went down the drain for markers I needed for my classes. </3 But I'd definitely prefer Fantasy Life since that'll be out soon and all.

    Like I love my vita, but I guess it's greatest flaw is most definitely the memory cards. It's been a fabulous system otherwise!
    I do have the PC version. And actually, now that I think about it, I think the PC version is actually superior from a technical standpoint; the console versions only run at 30fps as opposed to 60. At least that's how it was when it first came out, I'm not sure if it's changed though.

    But either way, don't worry about it too much. The console version is still quite playable from what I've seen.
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