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  • PART UNO!!!!
    -HAHAHAHA I shall join the rage with my Swellow(heh spellfail) and we be double-battlin and shiiizz x)
    Although flying moves aren't that effective ;o; meh screw it IZ L3G4nDAry P0k3mOn time rawwwr
    -Omg yush I'm so glad that Advanceshipping is still alive!! I mean I noticed great authors have either stopped writing or even moved to another ship >< And I'm just glad its been active period. I love that people still love this ship. It just SHOWS how strong we are >:D
    -OH MY GOSH YOU HAVE TO READ IT!!!! Its advanceshipping and I beileve the author is S. Muffin I can't remember ^^;. I honestly think that its one, if not the best, advanceshipping oneshot ever!! I love it it has the perfect amount of Advanceshipping, without it being "ZOMG I LOVE YOU ASH!!! MU-AH!!!!" But yet superly cute!!
    Meh I think I'll just write it xD
    Thanks for thee confidence!!!! ^-^d
    Part QUATRO!!!!
    -OMG YOU'RE CANADIAN,EH?? With thethee maple leaves, eh? And with them moose, eh?? And with them Justin Bieber, eh?? EH!?!
    Lol sorry I couldn't help myself xD Pwease forgive me!!!! Q~Q
    -Wait Canada is connencted to France o_O anyways I hope that no everyone speaks French there o.o eh I can speak fluent English and taking Spanish right now :3 (then I can finally understand what the heck my dad's side of the family is saying xDD) and yah I'm from the US xDDDD
    Well idk if the book is in Walmart (since well, it's a different Walmart xD) but I can certainly check x) it probably is since this place is filled with Asians o___o" *sniff* I wish I was asian TT.TT. I'll buy it and send it to you somehow if ya like?? :DD
    And I know it just went dead all of a sudden o___o like most of my friends on there are barely on. Luckily this place is still active and running :3
    As long as I get to be one of your models in the fashion show ;D
    Well I'm not much into the trends people have. In fact I'm more of a craftsy person x3 I like to make designs for fun and I usually find ways to make my outfits unique.
    So far most people have approved >w< but I'm not making any trends or whatever xD
    And thats awesome to look like an anime character!! A lot of anime characters are über pretty and have great sense of style ^O^
    See, the only reason I hate shopping is because sometimes I'm a total "Ash" and is bored to death and ends up just holding the bags xDD but mainly because my mom kind of pressures me of which clothes I should get >n<. then I get under-confident and stuff.
    Wow I'm making my mom sound like a total douche right now o__o I LOVE YOU MOMMY!!!!
    And for makeup, I probably only hate it cause I was never taught how to do it. So it always looks ugly and ick xD
    -OMG TOTAL AGREEMENT RIGHT THERE!! Internet is like the freedom to express yourself. The media shouldn't be taking over the whole art shizzzz. That's why I'm praying and begging that they don't pass this Internet law here D: (I believe it's called the SOPA Act). And yah I'll ask my dad about it :3
    -eeeep great!! What are the shows about and where can I find them??
    PART DOS!!
    -and tannnnnkk yoooooouuz >w< I mean I've started it before, but then our computer got attacked by viruses ; __ ; so we had to throw it out and I completely forgot to email it(it also deleted a ADV story I was starting to type ><). And yeah I really do want to write it. I just don't got the balls to do it xS. But I have been starting to write snippets of it again yay >w<
    But I'm also afraid it might resemble too much of "A Subtle Confession" D: I mean I thought of the idea before I even read it but still....GAH!!
    Heh I worry too much xD
    -Yah I'm planning to create a new account for Fanfiction.net. But again I'm procrastinating xDD Do you has a fan fiction account?? :3
    -Lol yah the DSi is a pain ;__; but if you try and believe in yourself than you can do it!!!! *cheesy smile* [/shot] ; u ;
    - forgot to type this in my part one xDDD. Anyways this message is about how you care for your Pokemon lolol:
    Awwww that's so cool. I'm kinda the same. Im yelling at my Dewott going "YOU CAN DEWOTT!!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU" and then everyone in the room is like "wtfaaaauuuck o.o" Sometimes I kinda think of them as real things. Yah call me weird xD. And at least you're strategic, that's good in battles xD
    -OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M!!!!!!! (lol that one sentence probably used up all my characters xDD) that's SOOOOO COOOOOLLLLL!!!! Ohmygosh I'm being über spazzy and fangirly right now!!!! I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!!!
    PART UNO!!
    -Lololol well I can probably type a lot of words if it was something I was interested in (like a certain pairing that everyone should love cause it's just THAT awesome ^_~) but for things like a stupid National History Day meehhhh "HATE YOU FOREVA NHD!!!! " lol and yeah, I'm typically a perfectionist too when it comes to writing. Even if it's grammically correct, if it sounds weird I WILL edit the whole sentence heh ^^;
    Moving on....
    -Phew I thought I was the only one who noticed that Pokemon is going back to it's roots -u- And technically we don't know if Iris is actually the gym leader in the anime; because I know that in the games, there's different gym leaders for the last gym :O. I mean unless they already said she was xD
    But I no one knew and Ash came to the last gym I WOULD SOOOOO FREAKIN WATCHED THAT!!!! (even though Ive only watched like 2 episodes TTuTT
    Ash: *in the gym* um Iris, why are you standing on tHe gym leader's side. You get back to the stands before you get in trouble.
    Iris: oh yeah I forgot to tell ya, I'm the last gym leader you have to defeat and I know all your moves since ive been watching you for 100+ episodes ;D
    Ash:ZOMG JNEWVIFHIREFN!!!! I'm screwed o.o"
    -HAHA I do the same sometimes. Although quite honestly, I usually talk with bad grammar on purpose xDD and they correct me, and then I say "at least I don't put "u" instead of "you" in my graded essays >:)" teehee PWNAGE FTW!!
    - Lol it's no biggie glad I can be an assistance. I'm just sooooo happy that there are still advance shippers out there making fics ;u;
    Same! Memes FTW! :D
    lol xD well,I understand what you're referring to :3
    hmm....I'll check it out later :)
    *sudden poker face* :3
    Happy New Year BTW :)
    PART 3 xDD
    - lol same. My mom is like "shouldn't you be into shopping and makeup!?" And I'm like -_____-. Honestly for some reason my mom thinks its pointless to watch something in a foreign language blechhhh SHE NO NO WHAT SHE MISSIN >:U
    - Lol no its fine and I know how you feel xD I posted something on facebook and my friend was like "this is illegal in so many ways" and I'm like "well how about you go and pay 100 dollar on something that you have no clue on how it works -3- RAWR!!
    And I would download it, but I'm afraid I'll get attacked by viruses ;__; my computer has been attacked countless times -___-;
    l-lol well who knows?? She might think that they're cute together ;P
    - well for anime idc, as long as its not too gorey xDD
    -um well I found it in the deep corner of the the book area at Wal-mart LMAO!!!!!
    -yah serebii has been dead. That's why I came here xDD
    I'm not even jokine. Like I was gone for MONTHS on serebii, and I come back and go to the ADV forums and there's only like 5pages of stuff I missed ;____; *tear
    PART 2
    -Well my story isn't really typed out, its kinda still in my head xDD. But I'd be happy to review your story!! :D just to let you know in advance that I am a HUGE grammar nazi xDD so sorry if I kinda sound b*chy when I see a mistake xDD. ;__;
    And my oneshot is basically Ash wants to know more about love. So he goes in a library(which for some reason is in the PokeCenter xD) and I guess "researches" about love by staring at love books and looks up the definition of love. May notices that. Ash has been going there a lot so she talks with Ash. She explains what love is to Ash and I guess there's some advanceshipping in there xD
    Yah its kinda rusty xD
    - And I used to have an account, but I've never posted anything on there and I can't remember my username ^^;
    And tannnkk yooouuz >w<!! Sadly the DSi only let's you use 2colors TT__TT mehhh
    - lol heh tanks ^////^ and I'm not gonna lie, I totally thought you called me a brownie xDDDD fail xP
    PART 1
    -well I think it meant 2000characters. Cause there's NO WAY I can type 2000 words. Heck I can barely type a 500word essay xDD
    -Quite honestly, I just like pokemon cause of the games (even though I haven't touched me pkmn white in SO long ><), and the AG series. But really, what kept me into pokemon was shipping. I barely watch the series (mainly cause I kinda just moved and still trying to figure out the time difference xD) so I just watch reruns of AD and pkmn movies. :/
    Honestly, I'm not those people who are like "OMG MAH P0kEMon IS B3ttA cUz IT goTT hIGher stATS BLAHBlah". I just play the game a catch pokemon I like lol. In fact I highly doubt I can beat anyone online lolol
    PART DOS!! ;D
    -OMG I FREAKIN LURVE YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!! -cough-no homo xDD-cough- I AM SO GLAD IM NOT THEE ONLY ONE!!!! ; u ; See my mom never approved of me playing Pokemon in general, so she'd probably think that believing in two fictional characters can have a relationship (but will probably never happen sniffsniff) is ridiculous. But mehhhh.
    Yah I love Internet. Able to express thoughts with people who support you ^-^ that thee life x3
    -LOLOLOL tanks for thee sites. My dad likes *coughcough*illegal*coughcough* free things xD. And yah I'm sarcastically like that like the convo with my dad was like: dad:eek:h I've already seen this movie. me:illegally?? xP dad:you know me too well xDDDDD
    - omggggeeee that soooo coolios x3 I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
    -heh yah I think of a secret subliminal message to support ADV. heh rather than "ZOMG!!!! ASH AND MAY TOGETHA FOREVA BEEECHHHEES!!!!" :I ^^;
    - heh socially awkward penguin xD I may call you that someday xDDDD. Heehee but no worries, I'm kinda socially awkward too. And sadly, the way I act on here is kinda the way I am in real life. Which sometimes frightens people xDDDD
    Aww jokes are nice :3 and its okaiz
    Maybe you can join an anime club in your school :DD
    Eeep thatz so cool beans that you're into anime. ^O^ I love the animation of anime and I try to get into it; but I always abandon it ;__; Either that or I start watching it when its about to end, so I get behind and can't talk to fans of it ><
    And even with pkmn, I LOVE the series. But I can barely remember the eps.where Misty was in it and never read thee manga >< (except part of the sea temple one eeep)
    Although I HAVE watched every ep of AG >w< but that's probably only cause of shipping xDD
    -Heehee thanks for thee advice x) I had quite a few friends back in serebii and i was hoping I'd make just as many here ^^; but of course I haven't been much active lately GAH stupid hiatus heh ^^;
    EDIT: HEEHEE I reached the limit xDD
    Huh, I was actually wondering if there's was a limit to VMs o__o heh apparently ^^;
    -lol glad I made your day SCORE WITHA BONUS POINT >w<
    - OMG I IS THEE SAME TOO!! I mean I have an ADV oneshot cooking but I doubt I'll ever post it ;__; and I've never completed a drawing really. I've started them but I have to abandon them cause 1)I can't add hair, bandana etc. since it shows the Pokemon-ness I try to hide xDD and 2)I get flustered and I'm like "FUUUUUU screw theiss GAH" heeheeheehee xD
    Actually the picture on my profile is actually the one I drew from my DSi ^.^ semi-proud of it. But then I look at it and am like "aww it no good sadface" xD
    Yah I tend to be bipolar o.o' lololol
    -Lol random letter caps lock spasm FTW!!!!
    -And ya my messages on thee adv forums tend to be uber long and usually have no meaning ;A;
    Plus I wanted to talk to yoouz xDD
    -And its all geese!! Hyperness is always a lovely thing x33
    -Yahhhh I tend to get superlazy. I have tons of ideas for banners and stories and drawings, but I am very lazy and I tend to get scared that my things won't be good enough >< Gah!! Curse low self esteem mehh
    Plus its difficult to hide ADV drawings and drabbles from my parents *sigh
    -OIY OIY you LUCKYNESS!!!! I guess I coulda asked my dad too xD. He's reeeeaally good with computers, and um finding free stuff xD mehh.
    -ooooooo!! YOU had a WEBSITE!?!?! So cool!! *0* What was it about??
    - And the banner thingy still looks really nice, the colors are uber coolios x). The hats actually renind me of my sig in my PkmnWhite game. I drew a heart and on each side was Ash's hat and May"s bandana eeeeepp!!!! So KAWAII!!!! >W<
    -LOLOLOLOL!! Well glad I pulled it off =U= Usually when peoplefirst meet meh their just like "O__O okay notetoself: stay away from her!! :O" xD
    -YAY!! Glad I'm not the only one who loves uber long replies. And I totally agree!! Its more fun if the person seems actually interested in you!! Plus short responces never get conversations to continue and I'm just like "I give ya super long responce and u no say long responce. Y U ONLY SAY LOL EH?? :U lolz

    And congratz for being first xDD yah I gotta stop bein a stranget and introduce myself to otherz heh ^^;
    Yay for bein first w00t!!!! ^ O ^
    HIHI!! *waves like a spaz* *chessy smile*
    Wow that was a creepy first impression O__O

    *coughcough* ANYWAYS!!!! I think I'm gonna comment on your comment from the advance shipping forums since I kinda didn't wanna spam thee place with my "already long" comments x)

    Anyhooooww tank youz for the welcome ^__^ and I've been semistalking the forums so I kinda know you a little. ^_^
    You seem very hyper O____O
    I LOVE IT!!!!! x3 GAH!!

    Heh anyhow ^^; tanks for thee tutorials :3 Now if I can get my lazy butt up and just attempt at making a banner it'd be all geese -__-;
    And I'd be using Photoshop but I'm a very cheap person xD
    And GIMP is essentially Photoshop for free (plus it's not like I'm gonna edit the freakin Mona Lisa so GIMP has pretty much all I need x)) YAY FOR BEIN A CHEAPSKATE!!!!! >w<
    And that's a lovely little banner-type thingy. I lurve thee hatts!! :DD

    Okaiz :3 so I managed to pull of being a creeper stalkerish spaz who needs to get a life =u=
    Talk about first impression /)_< Doh!!

    And I still have an uber long response ><. Sorry for spamming your wall Dx
    troll memes FTW! xD
    I haven't?*poker face*
    Youtube...what have you done?:3
    oh yeah...then my next theme change will be a troll background so people viewing my profile are gonna get trolled the whole time :3
    (WTF?that didn't sounded right o_o *poker face*)
    I TOTALLY know how you feel xp
    reminds me of something I read in a picture and I can still remember it clearly o3o it says:
    "that awkward moment when new people you've just met remember your name but you don't remember theirs" *poker face*
    I don't think sobut I wish it did >.>
    lol :p

    BTW,do you have a Youtube account?have I asked you this question before?can't remember if I had o_o
    Seriously, it just does not get old! XD Wish you could find the chapters more often! I can see it being easier to find the anime though. Did you see the ending of the manga? I haven't, so please don't give a spoiler.:sweatlol:
    Did you like the original Fullmetal Alchemist or Brotherhood(did you see Brotherhood?) better? I'm not sure which I liked better... I haven't seen the original in forever. O_O
    I wish I could watch more of Advanced. I can't ever find the episodes... I've only seen a couple. I agree, I like watching the episodes on TV better as well.
    Cool! Did you know about Nabari No Ou when you bought it?
    You're welcome! :)
    Yeah, I might check it out!
    He was especially a little meaner in episodes 16 and 18. Yup, he redeemed himself in the end though. XD
    I'm fine. With my exams in Feb, I really can't find time for bulbagarden and the AS thread. I remember a time when the old thread would have 3-4 new pages (and a record of 15) when i would log in the next day.
    lolz xD
    oh...yeah,that's what I said xP xD
    I know how the chapters were made,I'm just really lazy to read it =p
    why should I forget what I last sent? o_o
    well,I do cuz I can't remember x3
    sometimes when I receive a reply,for example,your reply,I'm sometimes like "WTF were we talking about again?" but I can remember that I sent u a VM,just the conversation x3
    true...I'll check out the beginning when I'm not lazy :3 no,I'll read soon :3
    there's gonna be remakes? did I just miss that? o_o
    oh,,,I see...
    (if you've observed it,my answers are getting shorter and shorter from the first line until the fifth line :O)
    I'm guessing that you're checking "view conversation" when u reply :3
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