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  • I've been busy so its been difficult to read but I'll try to get them done soon. I should have one done by tomorrow
    Hhaaha, it'll probably go horribly awry. Every date plan we have never pans out--he was gonna come over yesterday to visit before he went home (he lives like two hours away), but then his car broke down when he was like... 20min away. So I had to go rescue him, and he got to spend the night instead of just visiting xD happy misfortune

    Blegh, that sounds worse 0_0 continuous things are horrible. Unless it's like... continuous fun. That's great xD
    The kittens are Haru (siamese kitty) and Atlas (orange tabby). And the lucky guy is named Caleb ^^ a fellow Pokémon enthusiast, super nerdy and all the cutes =P

    Oooh so summer schools?
    That's cuz I'm never around--it's hard to talk to or text people during the school year, except when they're in the same room as me =C everything's awesome, I'm soon to be engaged, I have two kittens, and I have one more term of college before I'm dooooone. Currently it's summer break though. Yourself?
    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the Harryheart be modding now? When did this happen? Why am I so outta touuuuch 8C *sob* Congrats buddy!
    I've been okay. So busy with school it's not even funny. xD As soon as I think of something good I'm changing. I learned Krina was a city in Germany and when I changed it during that time it changed. xD So now I'm Devilish Mikale. I love devils~.
    Hey, Harryheart. If you remember me, I'm Palamon. Getting a name change here soon, lol. How are you?
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