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  • Okay, that should do it. I also noticed that the Beldum I was sending had its Mega Stone on it beforehand, which may have been the problem, as XY doesn't have the Metagrossite. So I sent a replacement item instead. Anyway, enjoy your Beldum. Thanks for Meowth.
    Yes, I'll be available later tonight. Just message me when you're free and we'll try this again.
    Ok, I'm finally back and ready when you are
    Gotcha, fine with me. Just message me when you're in the clear.
    Ok, I'm gonna have to delay till later. Will you still be available later tonight?
    Okay, I think this should do it. I traded over the "problem" to my OR, so let's try now.
    Alright, it's gonna have to be a few minutes now. Had to take the dogs for a walk. Sorry. I'll let you know when I'm available again. Bout 30 minutes or so
    Yeah, I just figured out the same thing. So let me do a quick trade between myself to remove the problem and we'll try again in a moment.
    I'm not sure what the problem is here... It keeps saying that "There is a Pokemon that cannot be traded in your party." which is hindering the trade. I'm not sure what's wrong. Can we postpone this until later, as I have to figure out what's wrong here.
    I think I know. You're trading from OR or AS? I'm on X. If you have the weather trip in there you can't do a trade
    You'll have to give me another moment, something's acting up on my end. Give me a few moments to reset and I'll be back on shortly.
    If you'll be ready in 15 or so minutes, then we can trade then. I just have to take care of something first but then I'll be free from that point forward. So just message me back when you're ready to trade and I'll see you on the air then.
    I think I'll go for the Meowth, as I haven't caught one in a very long time, so it would make a nice addition to my dex. My FC is 4785-4573-9718 and my 3DS name is Ryu X. I can't trade until this afternoon, however, as I have a doc appointment and errands to run this morning. I go by EST, so if you're available around 4 PM or so, then that'll work out great for me.
    Est for me as well. I'm available from 2 pm onward, so any time after that is good for me
    Well, I'm not that awesome... *blushes* *ahem* Anyway, what kind of shinies are you willing to part with?
    Let's see. I have an untouched roselia that's just collecting dust. A meowth, shuppet, murkrow, spiritomb, ferroseed, emolga, noibat, and a few more in my bank if you don't want any of those.
    Can do! And no one comes to mind atm sorry. D: Did you check the thread over in VG? There's a list.
    Thanks for the friend request, and if you ever need extra clones don't be afraid to ask.
    I was shiny hunting when i saw you on. Two shiny nosepass hordes in 5 minutes! Lol. I'll be on for a while, just shoot me a trade offer when you get done
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