Kakuna Matata
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  • Nine episodes were recovered, one of them the remainder of a six-part serial, and all but one of the following six-parter!

    In other words:
    I imagine the station bought the episodes, aired them, then thought they dumped them. A British magazine launched a hunt for the episodes a few weeks ago.

    There were once 106 missing episodes. Now there may be none.
    No, they were thought to have been destroyed in the 70s. They were found and returned from Ethiopia. At least I think it's 100. It's a lot though.
    Ha, Idiots in their silver lipstick.

    Oh, the BBC about to make millions thanks to striking the mother lode: 100 episodes of 60s Doctor Who.
    I saw an episode of 'Bottom Knocker Street', Gravity Falls' replacement over here. There's no plot, the music's quite bad and they stole jokes from one of my favorite series! British kids eat that up for breakfast! Though they've got a brilliant comedian in it, and that's its only saving grace. I admit the theme's quite good.

    I still don't see why GF was cancelled here.
    Then I'm going to live with the natives. :p (Well, I look like them)

    Most sites and good, well written fanfictions. I think no.
    You're welcome Rachel. :D (a question: how I pronounce Rachel? Ray-shell or Ray-kel?)

    I hope so, my teacher said I'm quite advanced for someone with just one year of lessons, though I'm lazy as hell and forget to practice. ^^'

    Just don't release them in the wild, they aren't pokémons. >.> Is that so? Then declawing isn't THAT bad. Sometimes Mei scratch my parents leather bed and my mom gets very pissed, but Mei is the cutest thing my mom ever laid her eyes on so she'll do nothing to her. My kittens fight a lot, sometimes they'll be angry if one of them start biting too hard, but I think it was only once when one of them screamed in pain, thank goodness we were near.

    Say, why are we chatting with scratched texts?

    Marvel Loki, since he is Thor's brother (more like based off). If I remember there is a God in Nordic mythology named Loki too and he can turn himself in whatever he wants (even give birth on his own D:), so theorycally he can be a chic if he wants too. Starting to think on a female version of Loki.

    I'm getting addicted to Megaman Battle Network AGAIN. D:
    I don't so it because I want likes. I do it because the like shows that they find it funny, or they agree with me. Something like "That's so funny!" "Thanks, I try!". Do you understand what I'm trying to say here, or did I just confuse you?
    Can't remember, my sister saw it first, she called me over and I saw it. Don't remember the station though.

    BUT STILL SEASON TWO! *disturbingly high-pitched laugh*
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