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    I hope you had a happy day yesterday :) Yesterday was my friend samwin's birthday ^_^ she's really nice! I hope you can become her friend sometime :)
    Stand Together
    they are trying to reach a million members. :)

    Also, its recomended you take a picture of yourself holding your number.

    I hope you can help to end bullying! :) I've signed up more than once; Bullies DEPRESS the HELL out of me...(even though i was homeschooled, the idea that someone could have SUCH a MEAN streak and DARE to look 'pretty'....one of several reasons i'm on the anti-depresent called Abilify now :/)
    Yeah, i've gotten used to a lot of other pokemon fans not being 'girly'...i'm kinda used to it now (even though it can feel a bit lonely :( i'm just.. not... tomboyish....*shrug* it'd be too hard for me to be a tomboy XD; yeaaah i won't get into the details. i'm just strange old me..).

    Hopefully other aspies like me exsist somewhere...*just maybe not here. or not yet, anyways...*

    In genneral, aspies are still kind of not *that* commen yet, i guess. Aspie girls, anyways.

    Changing the subject now..*AHEM*

    You like ponies? Awesome :) I'm like obsessed with that show. I don't really have a favorite pony; they all rock :cool: Do you have a favorite pony, though?..

    I hope this post doesn't make you think any less of me. Yes, my pride in being 'girly' could very well be a part of my autism, anyways...and, no, i'm *not* the 'preppy' type that goes around bullying people. I'm actually very AGAINST bullying....I joined an anti-bullying site, too :) I'll give you the url so you can join up as well. ^_^ Help end needless pain!
    That question aside...do you watch Friendship is Magic or have a favorite flower? :)

    Sorry if i'm annoying you now :( I don't mean to.
    And your also a girl, apperently (I checked). Did you have difficulties being 'girly' as a kid?.. If so, do you have any clues why?.....(please don't think lowly of me for asking...)

    Because, I hear that aspies girls *really* tend to be 'tomboys', but I was always very 'girly' as a kid...(and, even now, I still like a lot of 'girly' things, like flowers and ponies...tho ponies kinda aren't 'girly' anymore, are they?... o_O; yeah....^^)

    Again, please don't think lowly of me for asking. :(

    It's not like I have anything agenst people liking tomboyish things, and I think video games can be pretty cool (afterall; isn't this a video game forum? :p). I just hope I never have to 'hate' flowers or 'cute things' agenst my own FREE WILL just cuz I liked dresses and the color pink a good amount as a child... :(
    Why do you always create a now shop when your then-current one becomes inactive? We don't have a specific policy on this, but I'm not seeing any use of you constantly creating new threads. It's not going to improve your chances of getting requests. As such, I'd like it if you just used one thread i.e. your current one.
    I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving :)
    Well pretty much known as pachibakfoon here now. I must say! totodile might not of reconized me if she was still here XD;
    Does it bother you that i'm PikaJ?... Just curious, because I remember I complained about being 'too girly for pokemon' a lot about 2 years ago (and pretty much ended up changing my name when i returned so maybe people wouldn't reconize me...*cough*)...Although, i'm over it now (I guess partually because I have aspergers syndrome and pokemon is one of very few things I understand at all. the games got boring for me, though :)).

    Well! I hope you've been doing good today...I'm seeing my doctor tomarrow. :) Right now i'm having fun listening to pokemon brawl tunes on my mp3 player and smiling to them^^

    I might change my name back to pikaj someday i duno. I don't like that my idenity as pachibakfoon hides who I really am...even if the name is just so awesome I just don't WANT to change it! haha lol xD; i'm kinda known here as pachibakfoon now anyways....
    i guess soo lol.

    Its almost halloween :eek:

    i'm gonna see how to get misdreavous on hg/ss now. I want a Mismagious! It's cute, frightening, and, powerfull! and cute^^
    I remember you now! You used to have a Snorelax avatar! Long time no talk btw ^_^ Glad to see you again :) ^_^
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