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  • i think my computer was made sometime in the mid 90's. it acts werid and i have to do that weird "degauss" thing.

    it's fun to put a magnet against the screen though! :D
    sorry i havent replyed i really havent been on in a while. to anwser your question...uh...nothing lol. im usually watching anime or being bored alot. how about you?
    i was about to break my computer when it just ended like that!! but i liked the live version of "Kuroi Namida" at the end of the episode =3
    well i spent it pretty much alone. bought myself a present that was broken out of the box :/ still a sweet present though. need to go return it and get a new one tommorow
    Oh, I see.
    Sorry about that :(

    So now you don't want others to experience the same pain as you did, and that's why you invite everyone in?
    Very nice of you.

    Oh, I see :p


    That just means you have a good heart lol.
    You don't judge a book by it's cover, so to speak :p

    you're special talent is somewhere! =3 and like you said, maybe you haven't found it yet.

    i hate how the anime just stops right in the middle too! the anime should continue on just like the manga!

    That's nice of you :p
    Are you guys in high school, or?

    Wow, what a dream.
    Does she look up to your cousin or something?
    Or this was just all in the dream? lol

    I would watch her though, she seems like she cannot be trusted.

    sorry for not responding right away XP
    you probably have a lot of creativity in you!
    i do feel bad that she was hospitalized, but she still should keep going on with the series!! =3
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