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  • It's fine. I won't be giving you the role PM now anyway. You might receive it next phase depending on if the player returns to activity or not xD
    Yeah, he is an iffy antagonist at the beginning (I can't word it exactly but it's because he doesn't want the main character to be harmed since that'd be more damaging to his plan) but at the end he is a real antagonist.
    it would have been awesome if you used Doopliss though, because he is an antagonist and the Freaksheet Mintaka role was based on hims
    That doesn't look like an innocent face :mad:
    and why Bakura out of all characters xD I mean I do like YGO but why him ;_;
    Yeah, funnily after all that trouble during college pondering about what to do (translator, teaching), I end up choosing the path for my original (at least what I dreamed during elementary school and beyond since) dream to research in biology field. xD

    So I've been doing somewhat alright, I just hope to do better. How have you been doing in teaching? I know that you have been doing fine :)
    I'm on a joint Master's/Doctor's Degree I'd be studying here (and working in the lab at the same time) for five years. It's been lonely at first because I applied for a different grad school rather than applying for the grad school on the uni I graduated from. But now I'm alright since I'm getting along with other students well.
    My 'break' ends on 12th when the tutor returns. There have been bad news starting from the start of the year (like the student who was supposed to come to our lab after he graduates chose not to) so I'm not looking for a good return. -_-;
    Bulba sis ;_;
    Gah I'm soo tempted but my grad school life is driving me crazy ;_; I don't want to end up requesting to sub out DX

    Other than being busy (these days it's a bit relaxed thanks to the tutor being on a two-week vacation) I'm doing alright. How are you?
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