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  • You seem to make a lot of threads lately...
    And, I suggest you get an avatar (go to your User CP, then select "Edit Avatar." You can upload an image you saved to your computer, or just pull one from the Internet).

    In order to respond to this message, post in my profile, or click "View Conversation." I know you're still a bit new here, but that's just a reminder.
    Yeah, thanks for the warm welcome

    It is true that I am new here as I mentioned before. I am just so eager to get some of my thoughts across and learn more about the show. There is so much information that I am just ready to put into form on this website.

    It will take a bit of practice to get used to this website and its different types of forums and discussion groups. I would like to thank you for giving me some good advice on how to enter my posts. I appreciate the way you did it instead of just bashing my posts in the discussion like a few other users.

    Ok, I’ll make some more posts and make sure to put them in their proper places.
    Hi, you seem to be new to the forum.

    Euh, I see you're enthusiastic and starting a lot of threads, but if you have comments to do on specific episodes (like the Pikachu v Regice battle or the Registeel, etc.), it might be better to just write a review or post the question either in the Pokémon marathon thread or actually go to the past episode review archive, where you can find thread about most episodes instead of making a bunch of new threads.

    Anyhow... Welcome !
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