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  • I am not sure on Natures or IV's. They are on 4th gen also. If you still want them I have to get them cloned and transferred. Are you able to clone and transfer XD? Thanks.:)
    Oh gosh. I missed you by hours D: Well how about we aim for tomorrow then? What time works for you? And that's the Japanese V-Create one right?? If so, I'd love it :D
    sorry it took me so long to respond. I've been busy again! @_@ going crazy! And wow! O_O a ten year old computer? yeah upgrade is nessasary, but my holidays were great! I had fun and so did my fam! didn't really get anything i wanted but that's not the reason for the season so i won't complain. so how have things been for you?
    Are you ready to trade, by chance? I have that HootHoot, Ledyba, and Burmy. I know you cancelled one, but I got it already so I might as well send it along. For compensation, just give me whatever. I could use PP Mac, PP Up, Rare Candies, and Elemental Stones but if you don't have that it's no big deal.
    Also, do you have any knowledge of checking DS Parameters? It's not a huge deal (that I know of) but it could be valuable information, and would certainly assist in speeding up the process.
    Sounds doable. I have to warn you though, since I have zero way of checking to see if I did it correctly, it's going to probably take a few attempts. But, I'm certainly willing to try. Let me know.
    Hey there, would you be willing to do a few SID checks? I need four, but even getting one or two done would be great. You can pick some stuff from my shop thread as payment.
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