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  • Indeed I did, but the lack of posting in the beginning sort of had brick wall effect that made the openings seem a bit awkward. I'm realizing now that I actually didn't plan to well. In any event, it will ultimately be back at some point.
    Also, Left 4 Dead will probably be restarted soon, so I'm letting all previous participants know.

    I'm afraid that you'll probably need more activity to be accepted though. I tried not to make a big deal out of it, but it will simply be too much of a problem with the RP starts again.
    The part with the green smoke meant to remind them to get to the crash site. I'm giving them all some time to ahh...get over there.
    Just a friendly tip, if you want people to join your newly created social group, then instead of making a thread for it somewhere (which will probably be locked), give your group an image. That way it'll show up in the new group list, which leads to way more people joining.
    Alright, you'll come in as soon as I do. You'll restart at the crash site once the other survivors reach it, and I'll tell you how to proceed.

    For the record it looks like you were more active than Nigma, even after you quit.
    Alright, maybe I can think of a way to get you back in. Are you saying you want to come back now, or sometime later?
    Can you please alter your last post if you don't mind. I'll determine when zombies appear, especially since your posts were supposed to be somewhat-introductory, and too many are focused on the crash to attack in the hundreds.
    Can you please predetermine, either in your first post or via VM, how much ammo your character has for his M9?
    The startup for the L4DRP is now up in the Non-Pokemon board. Please note that I mentioned two more rules, the details of which can be read in either thread for the RP.
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