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  • Hey, thanks a lot. I haven't been here in a while but I'm on pretty consistently again. Also, I was able to successfully connect on WFC with my friend recently. I thought maybe I had a firewall since I hadn't yet done it with the new internet connection, but everything checks out. So I'm not sure what happened last time, but it should be all good. Thanks.
    Yes i did add you.
    This FC ADD : 5326 7768 2964
    I am no longer on wifi as I have something to do and its late here, so maybe another time, like tomorrow ok? ^^;
    That's weird, I've put out the invitation in the WIFI club section. And it says I'm connected. Am I perhaps doing something wrong? Sorry about this.
    Okay, cool. But 2 things though, one, this is a restarted file, so I wouldn't really be able to give you anything, are you sure that's okay? And 2, if so, then how do you want to do this?
    Shining Celebi, hey! I saw your response to my question in the thread. Thanks a lot for the information and help! Would you really be willing to send me one? I'd appreciate it a loooot if you could do that. Yeah, haha, I'm kinda weird about the OT thing, you know? But if you could give me an egg, I'd appreciate that tremendously. Thanks for your time either way!

    So I don't need the National Dex then? And um, my Wifi ID is 1934 5214 0429
    hey your website isn't showing your trading lists properly. Al the pictures are just X's. But I saw that you're after 10th anniversary pokemon. I have a 10th anniversary Ho-oh that you can have. Check out my trade list and PM me if youre interested.
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