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  • MAAAAAAAAAN I feel like I fell off of the face of the Earth given how inactive I've been the past two years! A lot of things have certainly changed, that much is for sure. So, with that said, how've you been with life?
    I made these digimon designs based on Behemoth, Leviathan, and Ziz just as a test and also for B/C:
    I know Leviamon already exists, but I felt it was too much a disappoint as to how Leviathan should be since it has legs that it can use to walk on land with. Leviathan should be unable to go onto land at all and live entirely in the deep sea. But that's just how I feel on that. X_X
    Wow. I can honestly say I'm jealous, you're very lucky to be able to travel to all of those places. @.@ Did you take lots of beautiful pictures?
    Nice to hear that you were having fun during your time away. And we're happy to have you back. :D

    Where did you all travel to, if you don't mind my asking?
    I FINALLY had the chance to make an up to date version of my Bronze and Cobalt thread in the Digimon group. Have a look and see since there was a lot that changed in the concept.
    The updated Bronze and Cobalt Thread
    Glad to see you back on after so long. I had a few updates as to Bronze and Cobalt as well as the fact I've recently in a Fakemon designing mood just for the heck of it. I've been focusing more on my Fakemon rather than B/C for a while though, but that's because it's harder to think of ideas for Digimon when there's already like 1,200+ Digimon.
    DANG IT. I just missed seeing you back yesterday. To think I only just now noticed you back on. X_X I'm too dang busy nowadays so I hardly have time to keep a look out for these kinds of things easily... x-x
    But anyways, how've you been since you were gone so long?
    Doing fine as well. Just been busy with some stuff like games and such. I've also been working on some pics for the Digimon project as well if you'll give me a moment to PM them to you.
    Are you still in Kanto Ranger Union Academy? We aren't too far but I don't think you ever joined the Start Up, did you?
    Complete Digimon starter lines with their egg designs after finally deciding the finish up some of the drawings I had:
    Note: The one Mega design that's different from it's previous stages idea of an Amphibian is because I had no clue how to have it look, so I pretty much did what Game Freak did with Samurott and decided to make it a Gorgonops instead. I'm very pleased with the Shark's final stage. Since it was the more savage one of them and as a Virus Attribute Digimon I made it continuously become darker in color until it become a dark black in it's Mega form. And that missile-like thing on it's head isn't present on some individuals, with usually the only one guaranteed to have it is the one you get at the beginning of the game.
    Out of all the Digimon in existence, Gaiamon never really got any kind of pic for itself at all, since technically, it never actually appeared and was only referenced. It's power is said to be so great it's the most powerful Digimon ever. What did I decide to do about it since I'm still promising every Digimon up to date? Design my own version in my own image of course:

    Though it will be frequently called Gaiamon, the actual name will be Shirakuromon instead (Based on my own username). One of the ideas planned for the future is a Red VS Blue kind of series based on the games I'll be making or based on other games as well. In most of them I actually appear myself as some kind of powerful being but not truely god-like. One of my many avatars that may appear in the series will be an Aggron that likes to goof of at times and can summon giant swimming pools that fall from the sky during the summer and a big snow fort in the winter (:P). The idea for Gaiamon is to take a bit of Aggron and combine it with multiple other Digimon like Omnimon and make them into one all powerful Digimon. The other name Shirakuromon is to avoid too many similarities to Aggron as it'll be referencing myself instead.

    Perhaps different "formes" would be made as well eventually. Not sure what kind of forms though.
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