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  • Hi some color no doubt. I don't know whether or not you saw my mention 3 days ago, but just to be certain, I've posted the third chapter of Flames of a Revolutionary along with a one-shot featuring Rose from the same fic in a separate thread.
    I did start writing on the chapter for Requiem last week, but I ended up starting to work on the article and didn't get a chance to keep working on it.
    Well I have the chapters planned xD though when I say that I'm going to sit down and write I end up watching TV or getting on the computer.
    No worries, it was a thrill to read and I definitely will continue reading. Also thanks for reading Behind the Silence, it's always an awesome feeling when someone takes the time to read your stuff and review, so thanks! It means a lot.
    Yeah they do xD but yours is pretty good.

    I do want to know though, are you going to go with that society thing you did before again?
    I eagerly read your new chapter :p it was pretty good and you can tell how much you've advanced from the last time.

    Well I finally finished the article but sadly, this week is full of exams so I can't write xD; well maybe a little during my free time but I'm going to be pressed for time this week.
    At the moment, I got some homework that needs to be done. So until then, the writing is put on hold. Before that, however, I had begun writing a one-shot related to the main, which I plan to make into a series of one-shots running alongside the main fic. When I return writing, should I also mention you for the one-shots?
    On one hand, I liked it. On the other hand, I hated it :)
    Very well written, but Samia losing....lol, I think it's just my love of him from the last fic that makes the idea of losing so unbearable.
    OH, I thought I had xD

    Haven't gotten a chance to write cause I've been writing an article for teh academy.
    Due to be released. I might actually make it in two parts, since it's turning out to be pretty long. I just wanted to expand on Harry's character and practice writing in third person.
    Hey! I've been pretty busy. A new term just started at school and the workload is a lot more than the last two terms. I've been dicking around with a one-shot set in the same 'verse, but I haven't written more than a few paragraphs of the next chapter. So nothing will probably be done for a little while. Hopefully I'll be able to get some writing in this weekend.

    I'm definitely still reading! Just checked it out this morning in fact. I'll try to leave a response when I get a second.
    Hi, what's up?
    I was just wondering when the next chapter of Seasons was going to be up. Not to rush you or anything, just curious. Really loving the rewrite though!
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