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  • ii wa2nt typiing iin 2ollux'2 quiirk but ii can do iit wiithout thiinkiing

    that's technically nepeta's typing quirk but she also goes out of her way to make cat puns and to use "33" instead of "ee"
    Thank you so much, Locked In My Asylum. I don't really want to talk about this anymore, though.
    Actually, the funny thing is I haven't watched it yet, but the Zexalia was doing a group theme with Madoka, so I took Sayaka. XD I plan to watch it though~
    Ah, I'm getting better! I've just been pretty sick lately so I've been taking it. XD Thanks for asking!
    Well, I'm not so sure about being able to get an evaluation any more. Another friend of mine told me that I need a therapist, plain and simple, and that they give the evaluation at your first appointment. I just don't know where to find a therapist, or any place that could give me an evaluation. I'm hoping the school's guidance counselor can point me in the right direction.

    I guess you could say that I have support from my family, since my mom is the one who's thought that I have it ever since I was little, but if I've had it for that long, then I've learned how to deal with it, even if I only saw those symptoms as part of my personality before. The main problem is how much it's seeming to make my depression worse. I still don't know where my personality ends and the AS begins when it comes to the way I think of things. Maybe an evaluation could answer that. Do you think it could?
    I would make this a PM, but I've already made it known in Outside the Box, so I'll just keep it simple in a VM.

    This whole losing-Pyra's-affection-but-still-being-close-friends-with-her thing that I'm going through has left me seriously depressed, but that's not what I'm here to talk about. Along with depression, my mom and I both believe that I have Asperger's syndrome. I haven't been diagnosed with depression or Asperger's, but I've never had a general psychiatric evaluation, either. I want to get one, and with an opportunity coming up at school, I think I could be set on getting one.

    Basically, I just want your advice. Whether or not I should try getting a psychiatric evaluation, anything I should know about having depression and Asperger's, if I do have both. I just figured you might have some advice for me.
    Hey, can I talk to you about something? It's been on my mind a lot lately, and I figured you'd be good to talk about it with.

    And I also want to make you a fan of Gojira while I'm at it
    Ah, on the other hand, I was one of those kids who always dreaded eating them. XD Corn isn't bad, but...most of the others I have, I'm not fond of.

    I see. I wish I could remember that much. XD I barely remember anything from when I was a kid...
    They just...I dunno. They taste weird to me for some reason. ^^;

    Oh, I forgot there was a Ritual version. xD
    Well, it's the first thing I thought of. XD

    Lima beans? o_o I...can't say I'm a fan of those. XD

    Nope. ^^; I don't have it irl, and I think it's a banned card, so I can't use it on DN...
    Kirby? XD

    Oh, nothing really. Just sitting on the computer chatting with friends. xD You?

    ...what's that in your avatar?
    jokool is working on that, but I don't think our chances are greater than 25%

    In the mean time, we can thank our lucky stars that this is still around.
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