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  • Hey there, you probably don't remember me--and honestly with how much of a creep and a weirdo I used to be I'd kinda prefer it that way--but I just wanted to say hi.
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    Reactions: Feenie
    You too, I think FinalArcadia told me you had some health stuff going on, if so I hope things are getting better for you!
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    Reactions: Feenie
    Ahh, yeah. I'm trying to get it under control and hoping things will get better! Thanks so much for that though, I appreciate it. :bulbaLove: How are you doing?
    Pretty good, uh...not a whole lot to say, just pretty good.
    Dunno if I ever told you this, but I finally started playing Ace Attorney! I played the first game in the Ace Attorney Trilogy on 3DS and really enjoyed it. I haven't moved on to the next game yet, though. Gotta find a lot of time to sit down and digest when you play point-and-clicks.
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    I haven't been online in so long, I'm sorry I'm just seeing this! And no, I don't think you ever told me that--but I'm happy to hear it as the big Ace Attorney enthusiast I am! :bulbaLove: Oh, that's the truth. You do need a lot of time for the point-and-click types of games... but they're worth it. I'm glad you're enjoying Ace Attorney, it's such a fun experience. Playing it for the first time is always the best, you can't replace that experience (look at me, sounding so serious lol).
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    Reactions: Feenie
    dear god i haven't been online in forever
    I CHANGED IT BUT YES I LOVE YOUR TURN TO DIE AAAAA Keiji is best who is your favorite
    we like a lot of the same things you're right :wynaut: x-files theme plays
    Keiji as well he's such a daddy
    I liked Mishima but oh well
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    Reactions: Feenie
    Keiji is ultimate daddy
    I'm not over Mishima yet tbh. I didn't even expect to like him and yet here we are
    Love the Ace Attorney series! Is your username a reference to Phoenix Wright?
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    Reactions: Feenie
    I've gained a greater appreciation for Edgeworth as of recently. I've replayed the games more times than I care to admit and he's made it up there in my top 5 for sure.

    Spirit of Justice was surprisingly good! I say surprisingly since I didn't expect it due to Dual Destinies being sort of a flop in my opinion. But it was enjoyable and I'd recommend it if you get the chance to play it at any point.
    Seth Rollins
    Seth Rollins
    Why did the strikestrough fail tho? XD I got one question because to this day, I do not know anything about Spirits of Justice. Does my man Gumshoe make a return? His theme was the best :c We haven't seen him since T&T (and Investigations I guess)

    It's better than Dual Destinies, isn't it? I didn't like how DD was too easy...for me, the original will always be the best! (T&T is a close second). I liked literally every character in the original.
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    how am i just now seeing this reply omg

    I have no clue why the strikethrough failed lol! Unfortunately, no, Gumshoe does /not/ return... he gets a passing mention, but that's it. :-( I know, I love Gumshoe and miss him. (Oh right, I always forget to count Investigations for whatever reason)

    DD was incredibly easy, I agree. That might've been part of the problem, actually. The story was also so... slapped together. Idk, none of it seemed to connect that well - although I liked Blackquill, Athena, and Fulbright.

    Agreed. The Trilogy is by far the best. I have a hard time picking out a favorite, but I'd have to say either the original or JFA. Who's your favorite culprit (for lack of a better term)?
    It has been awhile and hope all is well for you. Just wanted to say hi.
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    Reactions: Feenie
    It's been five years, I think?? Maybe less. Anyway, hi! Same to you! Yeah, life's been busy. How's it going?
    DGS2 sold 70k units! Check siliconera.
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    Reactions: Feenie
    SWEET! DGS2 was so good... I love it.
    I just now found out that that is in fact not good sales is it... :-(
    Well... you have to keep in mind factors like the 3DS not being played as much with how it's on a six year-old console, plus it's a sequel, and sequels of mid-popular franchises always sell less. Bravely Default sold a million while Bravely Second sold just half. There are also factors like less advertisement and hype built up, and that it's also the 5th Ace Attorney game on the 3DS which is new,(PL vs. AA counted) while it had the entire trilogy on the 3DS selling too. People look forward to games with new assets more than old, mostly reused assets. Don't worry, though! I'm sure it could hit a 100k in a few weeks or months, which would probably be a fine number. With the Switch out there's also a new platform to port all AA games over, though now they will soon be done with the 3DS with Apollo Justice's digital release.

    NOW, you might think that it's unlikely considering that it's released on technically a home console, but remember that Ace Attorney was also sold digitally on the Wii!
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