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  • I apologize for the late reply. I became occupied with class work. But Season 4 release date announced already!
    Hi there, please could you add me for Safari? My FC is 2380-4789-9725

    I have a Bug type Safari with Ladyba, Beautifly and Pinsir

    Thanks in advance!!
    I felt like the back stories of the Red Lotus could have been fleshed out more; Zaheer's being the only one that was at least attempted. Like what P'li said about Zaheer saving her as a child, I thought they were going to elaborate on that.

    But wow, if that's true, I didn't expect the death count to be so high this season, or even in this series in general. I was expecting one of the good guys to die in the finale for some reason, not sure who or why it would happen though. I wonder why Ming-Hua never used Bloodbending. Since she seems to be a waterbending master who I'm sure has at least heard of it, and I would think maybe there was some way she could pull it off without the moon too.

    Hm I wonder what villain/antagonist group could possibly top the last three that we have witnessed thus far. Makes me even more anxious for Book 4!

    I agree, going back to how I feel more loose-ends could have been better tied up with the story. But that's the downside to having only 12 episodes a season (speaking of, I wonder why they chose to do it that way).

    Ah not a problem, it's happened to me a couple of times before too xD
    That was cool, but it also came out of nowhere. As in there was no buildup to it, or any struggle; he just up and Lavabended for the first time like it was nothing. Korra did the same thing with Airbending for the first time but that's easier to understand since she's the Avatar. The bending was amazing once again, though I do wonder if Ghazan and Ming-Hua are dead. And I'm surprised Mako didn't think of using lightning earlier. It was also surprising how Zaheer could not only master airbending but even freaking fly, when Aang couldn't even do that. I was a bit disappointed at how he was defeated, and thought they would carry over into Book 4. Regarding Korra, I just think that considering all that's she's faced up to this point, being brought to near death and crippled by merely poison is a bit underwhelming.
    I'm curious about the significance of that Metalbending officer who was mentioned.
    I agree with you on that, and the "Sokka's Master" episode particularly comes to mind. I was expecting Bolin to have some of those moments this season, and I thought there was definitely potential for them, with his family in Ba Sing Se and his struggle to learn Metalbending, but it doesn't appear to be the case.

    I hope so too, but at the same time I would be interested in seeing different projects by them.
    But wow, that finale!
    It does, I will give it that. But Bolin is just not the same comic relief as Sokka was. I'm not surprised, since the majority watching LoK is the same, now older, fanbase from TLA.

    Oh, so that will be the last Book I presume?
    That was quite dark and surprising indeed. But I find that along with that darkness the show is becoming less funny, and certainly not as funny as TLA in my opinion.
    I wonder if there is going to be a Book 4.
    Mine as well. I'm surprised at how dark the show is getting-with the Earth Queen being suffocated to death and Tenzin being beaten up (which makes it better in my opinion but still surprising from a Nickelodeon show). Perhaps that's partly why they moved it to online.
    I don't know if I can pick a favorite, but I quite enjoyed The Drill (mainly due to the Final Blow theme), The Firebending Masters (it was interesting to see the origin of Firebending), and The Avatar and the Firelord (because we finally learn about the origins of the Hundred Year War and come to know how Aang and Zuko are connected). Indeed they were! And don't forget The Boiling Rock and The Ember Island Players. And pretty much every moment with either Sokka, Ty Lee, or Toph xD Looking back on the episodes I've listed it appears I really enjoyed Book 3.
    One thing I love about LoK is the bending (both technique and animation) is as good as ever; arguably better than in TLA. It's one of the other reasons I still watch it.

    Zuko is my favorite as well, mostly because I could relate to him in a way. Of course my father wasn't a mad overlord who permanent scarred me both internally and externally and banished me from home. But Zuko's conflicting past and his journey to find himself was quite touching. Second favorite would be Iroh. He was more wise than most adults I've been around, and he actually taught me several critical life lessons.
    How about your favorite episode?
    I'm actually surprised they haven't already. Maybe after the failure of the movie they were discouraged.
    Who is your favorite character from TLA?
    Yeah, I recall the creators wanted to do something like that but Nick denied them permission. It's really a shame, since I felt there was more to the original characters' stories that could have been offered. That's why I put my hopes in Legend of Korra. They already touched a bit on Aang's life in Book 1, but even more would be great.
    Actually that does exist. It's a graphic novel trilogy called "The Promise" that details the struggles of Aang and Zuko to rebuild the Fire Nation and bring the 4 nations back together. I haven't read it yet though. I would actually love to know what happened to Zuko's mother.
    I'm more interested in learning what happened to the original Team Avatar after the events of the first show, so I look most forward to that in Legend of Korra.
    Yes, I have. At first I was a bit skeptical of the show, with all the changes made, but eventually it started to pick up and I'm really quite enjoying Book 3.
    You are welcome.
    I like your avatar by the way. A:TLA is one of my favorite shows.
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