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  • FIRST, *hands you a pie slice of every flavour*

    SECOND, sorry I kinda abandoned you yesterday. My computer's charger got randomly busted, so my computer died.


    I really want to do it tommorow...asking him, that is P: But I want to do it after school, by my locker or something. Should I tell him at school to meet me by my locker, or should I tell him on Faceboob tonight? I usually don't see him in the mornings, so that's why I wanted to tell him over Faceboob.
    *Eats chocolate*

    But I WANT to go to Prom, but NOPE. Parents won't let me go unless I have a date.


    Because I love dances, and my school only has Junior Prom.
    *Eats imaginary pie emotionally*

    The only other guy I could possibly ask is most likely going to say no. It's the guy I was telling you about last year; the one that I thought he would ask me out, so I rejected you, and then he never asked me out.
    I would love to stay and trade more war stories, but I have to go now. If you want to talk more, I'll be on tomorrow between six and eight. Bye, Maggie!
    *Has emotional breakdown on wall*

    April 20th! And my parents said that if I don't get a date, I can't go!



    I'm screwed.
    He finished 11/10, only because he stole every kill. You do not even realize how many assists I had because of him. I hate him so much.
    Well, at first, he told me he had a girlfriend (SOMEONE DOESN'T UPDATE THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE), but then he said that he didn't know what his girlfriend would think.

    So I'm pretty sure it's a no.

    And now I am fucked.
    Feeders are almost as bad as trolls. I had this Yi one time who intentionally fed because he couldn't have top. So, I let him have mid, and just ADCed as Teemo. We actually won that game. In the end chat, the enemy team was like 'Yi, you were the only reason your team won, your amazing'. Our team chat was filled with me calling him a troll, and to go find a bridge to live under. I even reported him, I was so mad.
    Too late now ;__;

    Just asked a guy over Facebook if he will go to Prom with me, 'cause I won't see him in a few months.
    My best game goes to Teemo. 30/8/5

    Should have lost that game, but I put on my backpack and carried my team to victory. The only reason I had so many deaths was because my team didn't know how to protect the AP carry. >_<
    I hate Yi. Especially AP Yi. He's so annoying, and everyone plays him. But, on the other hand, I'm really good at Teemo and average about 12 kills a game, so I can usually kill everyone. Once, my blinding dart did 900 points of damage. It was EPIC. the day after that, they announced they were nerfing Teemo. Harsh. Anyway, I always play mid. I did top a couple times as well as ADC, but they're not as fun. I'm going to buy Diana next. Going to work on playing more than one champ. ^_^
    Are we talking about the same game? Because the one I'm talking about is a computer game. With champions, and tournaments, and crap like that.
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