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  • Gimme an hour or two. I'm in the middle of something at this moment. It's been a very busy day, sorry for the delay
    I hear they've been trying to (unsuccessfully) sue to get the content off Youtube. Right now, they've given up on that by actually trying to control in monetization of Let's Plays with their Nintendo Creator's program, which whitelists games that Youtubers can showcase (basically controlling what gets advertised by them) and evidently, are pressuring them to not show videos of their competitors if they want t stay in the program.

    Like I mentioned in the TPC lawsuit thread, I think this also has more to do with content control than revenue generation. If they simply wanted to make money, they'd whitelist all the games and grab their share of the revenue; however they're telling people specifically which videos can and cannot be shown, suggesting that there is a deeper motive than just monetary gains.
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