Umbreon Freak
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  • I might have passed, but only barely. I only needed 20+% to pass the module. But the questions were confusing, so I just wrote down everything I knew about anything in a mad attempt at getting points. Most things probably weren't relevant though. Second exam tomorrow on Memory/perception/learning/other stuff at 9am -.- on my birthday. Which disappoints me greatly.
    My friend hated FiOS, she was like "so basically, the kids have cancer and fall in love" and didn't bother to finish reading it >.<. I have a nerdfighter friend though, who thought FiOS was really good... he wasn't a huge fan of Paper Towns either. Awkward because to me it's a highly influential book in my life.
    I got my friend to read Paper Towns. She didn't like it though, she thought Margo was a bitch and the ending was anti-climatic. But each to their own. She enjoyed Will Grayson will grayson though.
    Yus! I beat the champion a few hours ago and now the professor wants me to meet him at Lumiose Station, I'm assuming that's how you get there?
    Oh my god that makes me so happy! Last I heard it was just an idea, and then they just never did anything with it :/. Fingers crossed for a Looking for Alaska movie. Have you read all the books? Which is your favourite?
    I'm kinda saddened that Looking for Alaska and Paper towns never became films, they're my favourite. But I can't waaiitt for the Fault in Our Stars. I really hope that they'll see how popular it is and turn his other books into movies too!
    Ah, gotcha. I'm at Victory Road, so I'm almost finished! I enable my online every time I get on. I should get to play quite a bit tonight. I'll definitely let you know! :D
    Thanks. ^^ I'm not sure I'm able to access friend safari yet, as I still have yet to beat the game. Someone told me you have to beat the game first. Either way, I'm at the 8th gym so I'm almost finished! :D Apparently my friend safari is a Fairy type.
    Ugh, I know. All of that blood rushed to your head, poor people. ;_; I'm not sure how long it was stuck for, but I believe I heard somewhere that it was 30 minutes....unacceptable.
    Oooh yes, haha. We had been waiting for like 2 hours for Cheetah Hunt one time and right as we got to the front of the line, they shut it down. -_- Really big, rather large bummer.
    It's extremely annoying. I'm living in the wrong state if I have a phobia of lightning haha. It's happened to me at Busch Gardens so many times I've lost count. -_-
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