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  • I'll be online periodically throughout today so I'll challenge you when I see you're online. And thank you. :) Are you or your friend thinking about challenging the BBL to learn/get back into the swing of competitive battling?
    Sure a battle later today works, let me know when you're ready. As for a 6 IV Ditto, I have a spare one you can have. I can trade it to you after we battle.
    Of course I remember you. It's been a number of months, but not long enough for me to forget. So are you up for a battle?
    Lets see, you're on EST time right? If so, Ill be available tomorrow from 3pm - 7:20pm EST and then from 9:30pm - 1/2 A.M ish EST.
    So i didnt know what moves you wanted to keep but if I only deleted confuse ray. If you wanted to keep that let me know and Ill send you a heart scale to get it back.
    Hey, I'm available to trade for the Slowpoke right now if you're free. I'll connect my 3DS online so just send me a trade in-game :)
    The leaving was unintentional

    But may I go catch a couple extra Pokemon? I'm basically out of trade fodder now
    Once again, good game! I want to apologize for not being available much to battle; been busy these last few days. Good luck with your future battles. And if you ever challenge the BBL again stop by the Psychic Gym and we'll have a rematch.
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