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  • If your a true Bleahc fan, then you'll know what i'm about to do right now...

    BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X'D
    Eh, it's not that hard. Truth is, that was my first time doing that style.

    Also, here-

    いちご くろさき Hiragana
    イチゴ クロサキ Katakana
    Hey, I saw that you joined the URPG. I'm fairly new myself and I was wondering if you wanted to have a forum battle? If so, just VM me back and I'll go make the thread :)
    Japanese has three writing systems. Kanji, which is the same/similar meanings as chinese. Hiragana, the normal writing system which is broken up into sounds. And Katakana, the same as Hiragana, but for foreign words. Uryu's last name is Rock-Rice Field.
    It's not weird. It's japanese. Hime often means princess. And Ori sometimes means folding. So her name might mean Folding Princess. To know for sure though, I'd have to see her name writen in Kanji.
    Orihime definately has a massive crush on Ichigo, I just don't particularly think that he returns those feelings.
    Rukia was the only one who could get Ichigo out of his depression. Remember?
    Besides, I like the idea of Uryu and Orihime together.
    A: :) I was the one who introduced him to it.

    B: No, no I do not. I believe solely in IchiRuki. Their relationship is very similar to Ash's and Misty's.

    C: It's short for fanfic, which is short for fanfiction. But be careful, not all fics are as appropriate as mine. If you can watch Bleach, 'Rage of the Elements' should be fine.
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