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  • Awwwwwww, that's so very sweet of her! Thanks Rachel!! *bear hugs* By the way, how's Spanish coming along for ya? ^_^
    Hi Rachel!! I'm doing swell, thanks for checking up on me. I really do miss Lisa a lot but I hope she's doing okay and that she'll be able to have fun with us again soon. If you text her again or whatever, just tell her that I love her a lot and I'm always thinking about her. =)

    Oh, and tell her there's a little surprise in her email. ^_^
    Aww, it's okay Rachel! Actually, I'm still on Skype but sometimes I quit getting messages for some reason. =/ Hope you're doing well anyway, cause I don't want it any other way. =3
    Hi Rachel!! Thanks for helping me out last night. You're the best! *hugs* =D Thanks for being such a great friend to me, I appreciate it so much. *lays out a piece of cheese but sees there's one out already* Wait a minute.....who put that there?!?!?! :O XD

    Love always, your best friend forever, Tommy
    Hi Rachel!! I thought I'd leave you a little visitor message! ^__^

    How's my BFF doing? I'm really glad we're able to Skype again, it's so fun! =D I hope school and everything is going well for you because I wouldn't want anything less. :)

    Love, your best friend forever, Tommy
    Hi Rachel!

    Hey, I gotta favor to ask you. When you have time, could you do a couple Ash lines for me? =)
    That they do. I mean I didn't hit anyone but the car pulled out in front of me and I was only 30 feet away so I slammed on the brakes really hard. Needless to say everything in the car flew to the front. I was only going 40 but even still with such great force, it's true what they say, the car stops but you and everything else keeps going until you hit something.
    Yeah, I know. Luckily I was able to avoid it except my chest was crushed pretty hard when the seatbelt stopped me. But I'm glad I'm still here for my special BFFs. =3
    And yep, Lisa and I are such good friends again, we're having a lot of fun on Skype right now. ^_^
    That sounds awesome!! ^_^

    I'm doing great actually, considering I was almost in a car accident today. And of course Lisa and I have made up and now we're super close friends again. =3
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