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  • Windows ME had great potential though. Vista to me was an over-bloated and mostly an eye candy version of XP. I'd be happy if they went back to the simplicity of Windows 98 where you didn't need 20GB just to install an OS.
    That's what they do though, rush things without working out all the bugs first.
    True, but we didn't have a choice whether we wanted digital or not. I mean digital is great, but having it forced on us, I don't like that.
    Hmm, interesting. It gets annoying though when someone is talking and the audio cuts out just long enough so you don't catch the end of the sentence.
    Well, here's a question for you. Why when you have a great signal does sound on DTV cut out for like a second even though the picture is just fine?
    But I really don't see the need for it. Before you know it, we'll need another box for that too.
    I think they said its also bad on your eyes too. HDTV is nice but I don't see why it needs to be a requirement these days.
    Yeah, I don't mind it sometimes but sometimes I miss just seeing the original ratio on certain programs. My TV in my room is HD and widescreen but N64 doesn't look that good on it.
    I don't mind the widescreen TV sets but I tend to stretch stuff out on those. Still looks fine to me though even some videophiles bash this type of thing no matter how good the stretching it.
    Well, then I guess it could be worse. I kinda miss the standard 4:3 screens though, everything is widescreen these days.
    I absolutely hated it when you'd eject a VCR tape and the tape would stick to the heads so it'd pull it out as you pulled the cassette out of the machine.
    I try to as well but sometimes I slip... and yeah, VHS has a lower resolution compared to DVDs. VHS is okay but I prefer DVD. But a pro with VHS is you can stop it and take it out, then put it back in later and start right from where you left off where most of the time with DVD, you're screwed after you take it out.
    I've noticed that VHS is blurry compared to DVD, and even though I have a lot of stuff on VHS, DVD is just better except they scratch if you're not careful with them.
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