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  • So sorry for being on so late, my parents dragged me out for a "special" occasion. But I hope you're not irate or anything; I'll be on sooner tomorrow, I promise. :( *hugs*
    Hey Val, sorry I haven't been on top of that yet. I'm actually really frustrated. I told you about the floor I'm installing, right? I'd run into your sleeves problem so to speak. I'm so frustrated that this one part just won't fit right and no matter how much I try ripping up, it won't fit. D:
    I feel guilty about it, even though I didn't mean for it to happen, of course. I'd never mean to keep you waiting. :(

    EDIT: My system lagging was the cause of that resulting slow down.
    I am so, so, so sorry about that! D: Windows almost did a suicide on me and I had to spend hours repairing it so I couldn't get online, but I'll never let it happen again... I hope you're not mad at me. D: I'd never mean to leave you. I'll be on as soon as I can be, I promise. -hugs- Sorry, sister. ):
    Hey, I tried getting on last night but my stupid firewall was being a jerk. I reformatted my system recently and am using AVG's firewall so I gotta figure out how to let irc through it.

    And wow, that sounds fun! I always thought they meant, "Let's Rock It!" But recently I found out it's "Let's Rocket!"
    Oh!!! I see! I usually click on view conversation to reply to VMs, that's why I didn't notice. Yay Astronema! :D
    Hmm, I'll have to test it out. The reason I did cyborg Astronema is because I can't get a super good sample of Astronema's headband. I'll see if I can come up with something. I might test it out on mine first since I have the edited files.
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