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  • From what I've heard about Generations, things are looking up so I don't think that would now happen in a spin-off.

    I did read on youtube about how they should remake Sonic 06 (and not rush it out like before) so that it had all the planned levels and no glitches. That would be pretty interesting.
    Omg, that would be AWESOME if Silver got his own game (which er, isn't hated as much as Shadow's are xD) with Blaze in it.

    Hopefully not like the glitch where Silver will throw Sonic indefinitely xD
    Send some to me! T_T

    (Sorry for not responding in a timely manner, I've been swamped with exam reviews, so much to the point that I tried logging into bulba with my university account name and password @_@)

    Eh....nothing that great, to be honest. No offense to the editors, but none of them were particularly memorable. The Japanese fanbase is much larger, hence why we get videos like this: 【手書き】シンジでグルグルED【アニポケ】 [HD] - YouTube

    No problem XD I've done some reggie vid hunting in the day v_v Oh, and I finished my preciousmetalshipping amv! *hides*
    :D! Thank you! There's actually an Omertashipping discussion thread over in Shippers, but it's like. at the bottom of the list because it's all like. Me and one other person lmao.
    I really enjoyed the Silver gameplay too, and it especially helped that his first level was Crisis City.
    Oh god, I remember when I finished it and was like "let's read some reviews" and my heart broke a tiny bit.
    LOL!! That's an accurate description XD Oh my god, I was shipping Cafemocha so hard even before the episode aired because of how many fangirls he seemed to have and "It's TASTING TIME" and omygod, it was just meant to be! I wonder if Chili is going to enter the episode in a dramatic fashion like that! XD

    Haahaha, Cilan is pretty close to a demon butler anyways! I know about Kuroshitsuji even before the anime came out because my sister reads it. I've never given it a full chance, but I've seen many amvs and I think the characters are very pretty XD I don't know if it's a series I can take seriously though, because of all the historical inaccuracies and fanservice (corset scene...there was no way that wasn't done on purpose, just no way...)

    I think HG/SS is my favorite game, period. I loved the characters and the story line and the gameplay. I left my SS at home, so I can't restart it, but it has some of my best pokemon on it, so I'm reluctant to. Ugh, I tried to raise an espeon's just a bad pokemon, imo. Jolteon was the best eeveelution I've used to this date. Amelie (my jolteon from my firered game) helped me beat Red in ironic XD

    Oh, I feel your pain, I hate little kids too. They can smell fear and they walk all over me. Thankfully, my house is located in a really dark, narrow road that's isolated from the rest of the neighborhood, so hardly anyone ever comes over anyways. And this halloween was spent in my dorm, doing math HW, lol. (Gaaah, I LOVE vanilla tootsie rolls!! Those and the limes ones are my favorite~)

    Happy (belated) Halloween as well! (I hope you had candy left over, lol)
    This is one of my favorite songs from him. LOL at the lyrics, it SCREAMS tamaki (I think it fits Dento as well...I want to make an amv of this, lol)

    Haha, it was fun, but the people I was carpooling with made us wait an HOUR because she wasn't ready packing =_=; It was pretty bad being stuck in rush hour traffic. The voice for Vegeta also came...his autograph line went OUTSIDE the building, omg XD We got to do a dub over of a few scenes in the anime, and a lot of guys got to play the girl's part and vice versa XD (especially Bulma's mom).

    Well, Florida ain't all that great either. That was only my second convention ever, because not many of them happen near where I live. Well, admittedly, the Cilan cosplayer could have been better, but I was just freaking out that people were actually aware of his existence and would care enough to cosplay him XD I'll admit though, the best Cilan cosplayers are girls... I don't think it's by invite early, but advanced registration is probably recommended. fact, do they sell ANY Paul related merchandise? I would kill for a Paul plushie.

    I'm guessing it might be a bit less strained with Reggie since he spent more time with him (and he probably didn't have a negative impact on his life as early as Paul). I'm guessing it's in the neutral zone, because technically, he DID abandon the family to become a frontier brain...and no mother in sight...I feel like Reggie and Paul's past together would have been SUCH a good story line to expand upon, but once again, the writers strike another missed opportunity >_>;
    Haha, sorry for having ingrained that in your memory XD I've drawn Ashly x Paulina and Girl!Gold/Girl!Silver as well...I have this genderbending problem...

    Don't worry, I had an obsession with drawing really big sparkly eyes at one point...I mean, I guess I still do it, but it was pretty bad. No problem! And if you ever feel the need to give me crits on my works, don't hesitate, I love getting them~ (Paul is pretty catty anyways XP)

    The two things I always forget when I'm drawing Ash: His hat, and his zig-zags. The former is because of pure negligence/laziness but the latter truly just flies over my head all the time @_@ Brock is easy to draw because he has no eyes, and I'm not sure if I drew misty enough to really guess her difficulty...You can be the judge of that:
    Well, Tamaki and Kyouya did have that MARVELOUS backstory episode where Kyouya pretty much dominated over him the entire time. It's a very hot likeable pairing XD I think I liked the lyrics of both of them, but they could have gotten better singers XD You know, I think vic was going to sing the ending originally (since he helped write it). I LOVE the japanese OP of BW, but the dub opening is so generic and forgettable. I don't even remember the lyrics at all. But gaaaah, I HATE the ending. They need to change it to something that doesn't murder my eardrums and burn my retinas.
    That was one of the BEST dub lines that ever graced the anime. I was freaking out so hard over that! Dawn is a yaoi shipper too Ash was probably thinking "why wasn't he that nice to me from the start? :(" Oh silly're the one who thawed him out! ;)

    LOLOLOL!!! Don't worry, it's not that silly of a question since 99% of the fandom will say that Brandon is Paul's dad XD It was never EXPLICITLY stated that he was his dad in canon...but then again, they never negated it either (it's just their family relationships must be pretty strained if Paul doesn't even refer to him as his father, but that's actually really believable). So, not canon...but so fanon that it might as well be XD

    They're going to have to incorporate Plasma in SOMEHOW. If not by those episodes, hopefully by something equally as enjoyable. Oh god...what if THOSE EPISODES were the ones that Ash crossdressed in?? D: UNFORGIVABLE!adfsjksadf LOL, yeah, Cress can go back the to kitchen where he belongs XD So many dead fangirls were found that day...

    I love his hair though, it's shiny and purple. And he's really cute, just not bishie XD Kinda like with Dento...I think the fangirls over-bishie his image (me included) when in reality, his character design is quite peculiar. In fact, when his art was first revealed, people didn't want it to be true because they thought he was ugly! (IMAGINE THAT!) I took an instant liking to him though XD

    Barry was so...I don't know how to describe him. He was hilarious, that's for sure, especially when talking about his "Daddy." Oh god, sometimes, I would save at a point before Silver showed up and restart the game just to hear his music. It was so addicting!! I'm not sure about that...It's been a while! haha.

    I loved that theme too! HGSS had awesome music. One of my favorite music pieces in the game though was driftveil city's background sounded strange at first, but it grew on me!
    "I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
    don't know how to start
    I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
    you might break my heart"

    ...and usually after that, I forget the rest XP Yeah, that's what I'm saying, man! So much talent will go to waste if they don't release new songs, lol.

    Yeah, Vic was really cool. He was kind of a troll though, because any time anyone wanted him to say a line of one of his characters in the panel, he would have them come up and say it first. SO MANY FANGIRLS, man...Also, he had a panel with Aaron Dismuke (the voice of Al in FMA) and they were SO CUTE together. Little Al's older than me now though >_>; (It's okay, one time I tried stalking a Cilan cosplayer at a con for a picture, you're clean T_T)

    Yeah, EXP Con was in St. Augustine in Florida. It's about an hour and a half drive from my college, so I decided to go with my anime club ^^ My dream is to go to the comic con in NY and meet some of my online friends XD

    THAT DS COULD NOT EVEN HANDLE THE EPICNESS CONTAINED WITHIN IT. Or better yet DS:Comashipping version! (lol, only in my wildest dreams). I hope they just release all the new games for the DS only, but knowing nintendo and how much they love to make money, they'll probably go against that =_= I want an RS remake because I didn't really enjoy playing it on the GBA (since I got it a bit late) and I'd like to see if maybe the format had anything to do with that.
    I really can't see what they could do with a second season (except for what the manga did). The ending was left open enough for the imagination to fill in the blanks (especially for the few anti-haruhi/tamaki shippers). I guess it was nice that the manga explained more about Tamaki's Mommy issues, but that's about the only thing they needed to do (and they could have just made a special for that, no need for a second season).

    Haha, it's okay, we all have our personal tastes XD Mamorou Miyano got a few awards for his roles as Light and some recent anime which I don't know the name of. He's an excellent singer too, which is why I'm DYING for a Cilan character song ;_; In fact, all the main voice actors can sing, so I want BW to come out with an album XD

    Eww...unneeded french? No thank you >_> Shame too, since I love Burgundy's english voice. Maybe they'll fix it in due time, I mean...the don tournament goes on for a WHILE.
    We most certainly ARE in need of a crossdressing Ash episode for BW. I think that it would have been a PERFECT time for them to put him in a maid outfit to compliment Cilan, but alas, that idea was already taken by DP :( I wonder what other outfits he could wear...cheerleader? Princess? Nurse? The possibilities are endless! The idea of Cilan helping him out amuses me greatly. He'd probably lend him some of his old clothes or something. Poor Iris getting stuck in the middle of this...when she finds out...XD

    Yeah, Paul and Cilan have pretty much been ingrained in my head from looking up pictures of them so much. No matter what, I always have to look up a pic of BW Ash! It's the darn hair and jacket. (if silver looks like a girl, then you're doing it right! ;D) I would also suggest varying the facial expressions too. Not all chibis have kitty-mouths XD (not that they aren't cute or anything).

    Ahh...well, I do have one posted on the internet from a billion years ago...just a warning, it's really not the greatest or most in-character picture in the world >_>
    UNNNF, YES! I want to see that in the anime so badly :( Remember the Plasma arc previews where they were at the masquerade thing? And we saw Cilan with the mask and gloves? I want to see that again too xD I wouldn't be surprised if he had a maid costume somewhere in his closet...he and Ash could be maid sisters! A lot of people assumed that he'd be a coordinator since in the fake leaked information, they said that a character called "Reimu" was going to be just that. I was so attached to that idea and "reimu" that it was actually kinda hard to get used to "dento" XD

    Okay, Paul is definitely more interesting than Trip, but attractive? ...I'm sorry, I might have to agree with your sis on this XDD Don't kill me!!! It's just...I'll admit...Trip is very...pretty XD but don't worry, Paul will always be cuter on the inside, where it matters XD Silver was my second favorite rival in the games, next to blue. I wish he appeared in the anime, other than that 2 second pan in the introduction of the raikou special XD
    I've never even gotten a psp, so I can't gauge if the Vita is a significant upgrade XD looks pretty, I'll admit. Whenever they release an "unconventional color" it's always really expensive or limited edition (so pretty much impossible to get). I guess they do it because of the supply/demand factor, but still...Now, if they released a Cilan or Paul edition, I'm ALL over that XD It sucks that they make new games only available on advanced consoles so they FORCE you to upgrade. I'm sure I'll succumb too, once a 3ds-only version of the new pokemon game comes out T_T

    I like Bianca too...She's funny and quirky and every time she appears, Ash seems to lose his clothes! But Barry was definitely the best and ORIGINAL cuckoo-lander~ I also ship ColdCoffeeShipping, because there was absolutely no denying Barry's mancrush on Paul. Just no way. And I was really surprised how courteous Paul acted towards Barry...a lot of people were expecting him to tear him up. Had Barry met him earlier in the series, that may have been the case, but this was after his whole "I just found out that Ash beat Brandon what is my life worth" phase, so it's understandable ^^;

    I think Ash has felt that way more with Paul than anyone else in my opinion XD No, I think it's almost completely on Cilan's part...he's not in denial about it though, he's just worried that Ash won't return his feelings or if he's rushing things a bit too much and will scare him off. I'm sure Ash feels something in his heart when he thinks about Cilan's cooking though (the way to a man's heart IS through his stomach ;D)
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