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  • Oh sorry, worded that wrong. I mean people bashing on it because it's not cool to point out flaws in other generations. And that was the GBA technology's fault, but eh, why let those pesky facts get in the way of a good RSE bash-fest? I'm glad you like the Gen III.

    Agreed. Hoenn > Sinnoh too.
    Hey, do you think Gen III is highly underrated? Seems to be the "cool thing" to bash on such good games...
    Yeah D: But they do have some ones that I've never seen...like that Deoxys that looks awesome XD
    Hardrock Pokemon. It's amazing...I would totally buy the Deoxys UFO plush they have there ;w;

    Or the Wailord cushion...
    Sweet. I see those a lot at Anime Conventions, but I end up spending my money elsewhere XD

    I randomly found a site that sells Pokemon stuff, and they got TONS of plushes. Though I'm not sure if they're legit...
    Yeah they do, and I love it.

    And then I completely remembered yesterday that I have a Munchlax Christmas Ornament, which is also a plush!
    Sweet :D I just ordered a Celebi and Togekiss!

    Most of my plushes I got for free (birthdays and friends giving them to me). The plush I had to pay the most for was the Suicune- $30 for that guy.
    Well, I almost bought the Pokemon Center Groudon Pokedoll for $40...kinda want that now XD
    Are you serious!? Awww...I need to go to those more D:

    My Ho-Oh I got (Which I will regret forever buying) I got for $30...and the Ho-Oh is pretty much equivalent to the Blaziken, if not...more common! Baawww...
    I've only collected a Pikachu from Thrift stores, and I usually get mine either through Holidays, the internet, or Anime conventions.
    Yeah, I got a ton of them when I was little. I really have a small Hoenn collection...Nosepass and Corphish XD
    Yeah, I got those from all over the place :D The only plushes that I have never seen anywhere else is the Sleeping Meowth plush, and the Charmander plush that is laying on the other Charmander's head, along with the Bulbasaur.
    About 45, so here's a picture :D -

    My duplicates are missing from the picture (Except for Snorlax)

    I have two in the mail, and one currently on hold.
    Yo, it's the person commanding a Pokemon plush war from your blog. :D

    I must say, I like the collection you got there.
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