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    Luna: Discord manages to be scarier than I am...How ith that even possable?

    Twilight Sparkle: I've learned a lot of things that are not scientificly possable, ARE scientificly possable. if that makes any sense?

    Pinkie Pie: Discord is soo funny!! XD
    Discord: I can make it rain pam and jam and SPAM too.

    Twilight Sparkle: I've heard of this 'spam' before...
    Discord: I can also make it raaain ham *grin's and does just that*
    Discord: Aren't my mettelings just the loveliest ever? I'm such a ham~<3
    ...Pinkie Pie being evil for fun?

    0_0; *stare's*

    ...No it MUST of been Discord! xD; Or soo we hope...

    Yay welcome back :) ^^
    And I really like talking to you, too ^_^ You seem really great^^

    And your welcome^^
    Maybe Discord is behind all of it.

    Take care ^_^ Try not to give yourself any nightmares now...
    I don't really find it that weird, cuz she CAN be very gennerous. She just need's to be a bit less full of herself and dramatic all the time lol.

    Whats nice about Rarity is at least she sorta puts people of a simular nature in a bit of a brighter light. Sometimes I can get pretty un-easy when I see younger girls grow up with girlish interests...(my guess is your more like a tomboy. but in genneral i'm trying to drop stereo types and just have faith that people are improving as a species in most ways.....hopefully)
    Yeah but also the grotescity level is kinda like Cupcakes too lol

    And the elements of making other characters feel sorry for BRVR, like how Pinkie Pie tried to make Rainbow Dash feel sorry for her. Soo..yeah.
    I think Rarity was okay, but she can be SUCH a drama queen, which is something I don't like too much since I do really dislike drama. Soo yeah I probably prefer a lot of the others too. Though sometimes I don't see Twilight Sparkle as much less dramatic than Rarity is, I guess...sometimes I can't help but feel weird watching her flip out of stress sometimes o_o;

    In genneral I have tough times in my life too. Could make it harder in that sense.
    I got kinda obsessed with Pokemon: The Lost Silver.

    Although some of the tunes in the youtube videos for that story can sound kinda...demonic. o_o;;

    Yeah, Lavender Syndrome was trippy XD;

    And Unite 731 was pretty weird too.

    And yeah I felt bad for BRVR, too :(...that story got kinda gross, in a way, it remind's me of Cupcakes a little 0_o;
    Yeah, it makes more sense that you woulda started with D/P/Plt. You were probably like 4 when R/S/E came out, anyways...0___o;

    I do hope Ruby and Sapphire are re-made, though XD And that I pick Treecko. And get my....great vengence on my rival's Blaziken hahaha. Sorry Blaziken fans! xD;

    I like Apple Jack. She's calm and cool :)

    But Pinkie Pie is really funny XD And Flutter's a sweet heart^^
    Creepypasta is fun XD I read some pretty horrable pokemon stories on there that I wouldn't really recomend to a 10 year old...

    Are you ever prone to nightmares from this stuff? o_o;
    My Little Pony fan, huh? That show is pretty cool :3 Who's your favorite character?...maybe Pinkie Pie? XD; (aww i'm such a terrable tease...Cupcakes was horrable btw XD But I joked about it with my brother once really badly soo i have to laugh. it was kinda soo gross it was funny...)(i'm just sick, aren't i? haha...)
    Ash's Sceptile was amazing. Treecko's family in genneral was portrayed soo well in the anime. :) What's not to like about the 3?^^ I bet Treecko was also the very first pokemon you ever owned, maybe. Since your only 10 i'm guessing your first game mighta been a genoration 3 or 4 game. Its amazing how many fans never exactly got to grow up around Missingno.....(I wonder if you know him too? :) younger pokemon fans are soo cute^^)
    Yes, I have autism...You may or may not know about autism.
    What other video games do you like besides pokemon? :)

    I mostly like pokemon though sometimes i'll play step mania or maybe an online dress up game (since i kinda enjoy girly/'cutesy'-ish things from time-to-time. although lately some cute stuff has been depressing me...unless its pokemon. might be an aspie thing)
    lol Jusy is a cute typo.

    Well okay...I did think Blaziken was kinda cool at first. But he also scared me at the same time.

    I think in genneral I liked Sceptile better (Swampert never appeled to me much at all, though XD I found him a bit ugly and boring. Blaziken was a bit scary but at least he's kind of cool.)
    Hi i'm back.

    Lol i've read Creepy Pasta wiki before. INTENCE stuff. Haha dunno if you wanna know what i've read on there...XD

    I love the desions on grass types, too. I think I always went for the starter with the cutest pre-evo when I was younger, but, I did kinda almost restart Sapphire for a Treecko after my Torchic evolved cuz I never really liked Blaziken much...i always found him kinda.....creepy. o__O;; But then I disided to use him afterawile and kinda liked him for a bit. But now he's kinda on my least favorite pokemon list....espesally cuz I find him to blame for my not using grass starters much x.x;

    But I try not to think too much about it. It's the past. At least I was having fun, ammirite? :3
    I'd be scared to collect shinies on B/W due to there being less box space.....

    But I do have a beautiful shiny Cresselia on there :) ^^

    How are you today?^^

    Whats some of your favorite grass types? I've been wanting to train those more, since i love plants and flowers and all...but they can be hard to use right x.x;
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