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  • Oh, you were in a master's degree program? I'm in Joint Master's/PhD.
    (yeah ikr it's getting more difficult as times goes, doesn't get easier with difficult economy)
    Well as long as RNG doesn't screw me up again, I think I'll be alright. inb4 he becomes a manipulative mafia

    Yeah, I understand that feeling. Grad school life is driving me nuts (gotten better, but it's been cruel last month DX), but I'm trying to relocate my hobbies to relieve stress here and there. The part that I felt trapped in the lab life made me feel depressed -.-;
    But, but it has sooo many reactions and etc to remember x(
    I can't even memorize the basic functional groups yet! DX

    didn't know that you majored in that oops

    Says the brother who ships his older Bulba sister all the time just to annoy her D:< You just wait till I receive this year's Collector's Edition flyswatter.
    It's okay, the professor gave me a pinch when I forgot to raise the lens before removing the sample on the microscope. >_<
    Oddly it's the basic equipment that someone, sometime makes a mistake out of, like the microscope (smashing the lens or the glass) or the pipette. It's worse considering the fact that some students take advanced level lab classes without taking the basic ones sometimes (it's more of a problem in the system, there's only a few accepted for the lab classes at a time).
    I hope he didn't cause too much trouble, like shouting at you or anything like that.
    LOL, you had the same problem with pipettes xD We have that issue too for undergraduate lab sessions, and they always say that once in a while, someone tips the pipette upside down and there goes some hundred bucks.
    But the drunk student :/ Geez, why did he drink before all the classes ended? How did that go?
    At least the students would be familiar with the lab equipment for those courses so that there wouldn't be a lot of 'basic' mistakes, right? :eek: I don't really know how chemistry experiments go, but there are occasional students using the microscope wrong in lab sessions and they end up breaking the lens time to time xD I almost smashed a cover glass too
    Wow, are you planning to become a professor then? That'd be awesome. What courses are you teaching as an assistant?

    I recently took the exam for a teacher position in Seoul, and wow, it was really difficult ;_; No wonder considering that the whole country is in depression in economy so they aren't hiring a lot of teachers as of late. I'm crossing fingers that I'll make it to the interviews xD
    Go away, you shameful Bulba brother D:<
    (Serious note: thank you!)

    How have you been doing? I've been busy, preparing to graduate x_x My god, I never imagined that graduating would be THIS difficult ;_;
    I've only done it through secondary school, so I'd know the basics mainly, although we do organic to a good bit of depth so I've yet to try some areas like analytical.
    Yeah I've always liked organic chem best, I've heard physical chem is pretty horrible. I'll have two years to specialise but i might go down the neuroscience route
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