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  • No, since my parents don't even allow me to drive in the rain (I'm a fairly bad driver).

    (This question again) If I did have a slice of a day or two to visit you, would you make the time for me?
    I haven't touched Animal Crossing in ages, on my behalf.

    But really, if you have any ideas about meeting up, please inform me about them.
    I think I know where you are heading, but I want to be sure you are hinting about it (Basically, please elaborate).
    I think we both had some faults in there, along the way.

    I still have a bit under two weeks, though I'm not sure how realistic that goal would be, given the timeframe.
    I might be on later tonight- I know I'll be moreso free tommorow, though.

    I can't help but to think badly, that I had such a simplistic dream, and I couldn't make it happen for my life.
    Well, I hope to talk to you (Over the DS's), before I depart to college (Since my dream doesn't want to come true).
    I wish all card games had some sort of Unlimited Format, in the real world.

    (Sorry my replies are lacking- I'm being slightly swamped at work)
    I thought they were going to start having tournaments around that format (One can dream, I suppose).

    It reminds me of the Magic games (Where if you win a match, you get a pack or two from it).
    If the Unlimited Format is going to come to life, I would play it like no other card game I have participated in before.
    The most recent Deck he shot down was my take on the Legendary Deck- I only host the Legendaries that can spawn Tokens, so there's a token overload (And any token would be acceptable with me).

    I wish Pokemon didn't rotate so often. Otherwise, I would definitely play.
    Indeed they will (Hopefully).

    Hopefully it's a change for the better, since he is a tad picky with cards (When I try to build Decks, he shoots down tons of my ideas).
    Hopefully, he will enjoy it (I think his favourite set is Modern Masters, or Worldwake, or Kamigawa (I don't know)).
    Plus, I'm not very fond of Guttersnipe.

    We were thinking about splitting either Journey into Nyx or Born of the Gods.
    My man doesn't want that set to be released, because when it does, Return to Ravnica (Or, however that is spelled) will fall out of Standard, which makes Guttersnipe not Standard anymore.

    I can't wait for Guttersnipe to be gone from Standard, even though I never play that format.
    Well, I guess I'm not participating in that event.

    Also, I may split a Booster Box in Magic with my man, but we aren't sure what set to buy (Do you have any ideas?).
    I would probably go for the Pinsir over the Heracross for the event, but I probably won't get either of them (I'm too caught up in Tomodachi Life, at the moment).

    In other news, how has your day been?
    I just feel like training Pokemon that don't have Megas, over the ones that do (Why that is, I'm not sure).

    I just know that there's too many Pokemon that I want to raise, that's for sure.
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