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  • Haha, true enough. And I really want his old hairdo back, as well! Ken Sugimori killed it with this... this...profanity of a haircut. Somebody should go shave his hair off to see how it feels. >_>"

    Oh, I'm not partial to any one genre of anime. Usually I don't mind whatever I watch, as long as it's not something along the awful lines of Duel Masters or Code Lyoko. *shudders*

    Aww, I hope your job hunting picks up for you soon. :) And you're older than I had expected; usually I find friends amongst my age... though a few years difference isn't that much; but eh - enough of my insistent ranting. :p

    Ah, well, I was meaning to work on some art and fanfiction, though a cold and preparing for my finals at school (as I live in Australia) are sort of weighing me down at the moment. But I'm managing. Sort of.
    Ooh, plants? :D Do you like to garden?

    Most people can't! But me, I think I'd use enough of it to get a decent apt. and go to school. I'd spend it to get ahead-- traveling and whatnot. And I wouldn't have to work these crappy slave jobs anymore, yay!

    As for your pessimism, it's true that the lotto is difficult to win, but hey, anything can happen!

    Which reminds me of a creepy work story I have to share. I was on register today, and an older man came up with his purchase. I said I liked his hat, and he removed it, saying he wore it because he was balding. I don't think baldness is bad and told him so, and he explained that he was single and it helped not to seem so old.

    Then he like, gave me his card and said I should call him if I wanted a fun time. /shuddercringe Sorry, it just came to mind 'cause before he did that, he asked, "Would a girl your age really date a 50y/o man?" Well, I wouldn't, but I said, "Anything's possible!"

    So optimism isn't always the answer. D:
    I know, right! I mean, he doesn't have to be a complete douchebag (not that I wouldn't mind if he was ;D) but there's not enough of him. But what could we ever do about it... ;___;

    Haha, welcome. Well, aficionada means, basically, an admirer. Aficionado if you're a guy. When I was 11 I used to love alliteration, but the other moniker I was playing with - anime admirer - sort of sounded way too much like the actual website, so I succumbed to used Aficionada instead. Now looking back, though, I really feel like altering my name to something different - but a_a is how everyone knows me by... so I'd probably gain a lot of confusion if I do decide to go for a change.

    Anyway, how've you been holding up lately?
    Sorry, I've been MIA as far as the internet goes the last few days!

    I can imagine that east coast weather would be a bit crazy... being the coast and all, and a part of the coast where it's warm, but still prone to all that coasty stuff. I live on the west coast, so mainly it's just rainy. And cold. 24/7.

    Aww haha, if only wallets were endless! ;D The only way to ensure that is winning the lottery I suppose, and even then. But well, you'll do well for yourself! There are, like you said, a ton of possibilities for that sort of thing. And it's good that America has so many, too.

    I think you said "or" five times. (; Though I didn't notice until you said so. And I'm not really good at it, either, but maybe I'll try sometime. Or just enlist someone to do so!
    Haha, welcome. But Gary is awesome. Especially the "Gary was here, Ash is a loser".... we need more of Gary on that show. It's depressing how he's only been in like, what? Two episodes, was it? D<

    And yes, I do in fact! On my signature, if you like "Community" it'll take you to PF. So yeah, you're welcome. And I hate when that happens. DX

    Haha, probably. It's a pretty cool usertitle, imho.
    Hey, Glow! You joined up over in PF, didn't you? I thought I remembered your name somewhere, and not to mention your awesome Gary avatar! ;D Anyway, I hope you don't mind my friend request!
    You're right, you are being a pessimist. ;D I think if you really wanted to go, though, you could totally pull it off. And a B average isn't so bad! It's great that you do that sort of thing. I have so many friends who don't even try to get scholarships. College is just so expensive, really, so I don't see why anyone wouldn't.

    Yes, I never understood how they could blast off, never mind live through it! But hey, that's TR and anime physics for ya! I won't question them.
    You're right, an exchange is waay more expensive. D: I wonder if there are scholarships that cover that sort of thing? Maybe it wouldn't be a good fit right now, but I still say that if the chance arises, take it! And I know what you mean about ticket prices -- they really soar during the summer, and the farther you book it in advance, the cheaper they will be! You've got a good grasp on the financial side of things, I see. :D /impressed

    Haha omg, Spaceballs. XD I NEED TO SEE THAT AGAIN. I should just buy it. But it really would be like that! Though I agree about Giovanni. And that sort of TR would be so bad ass. Just that we have no real pokémon here, so I suppose they'd have to go about committing other comparable crimes. ... I don't know why stealing animals from zoos comes to mind, because that sort of crime isn't like, heinous. XD
    A student exchange would be an awesome opportunity for you, I think! :D Colleges usually have some awesome programs for that, and it gives you more of an opportunity to meet more people in Germany (and people learning German like you), plus you still get college credit while you're there. A lot of my friends have gone on to do that-- one of them is exchanging in Morroco.

    Yeah, I've thought about Meowth evolving before, and it just wouldn't be the same. XD It would be one animated Persian, that's for sure! He doesn't like Persians, anyway. And yeah, TR would be way more bad ass in real life. I've always liked the idea of a "darker" Pokémon, but the closest they ever got to that was Coliseum.

    You're welcome! :D And yeah, the avatars on the user pages are so small. It does say "beached", and the tiny text is just decoration. I wear glasses all of the time, so don't worry about your eyesight, haha.
    Well, his attempts were in vain it seems. :D And I would love to go abroad one day, but as it stands, I just can't afford it right now. It's awesome that you might be going to Germany this summer, though! Would you be doing a student exchange sort of deal through your school, or just straight up visiting?

    I know, Team Rocket seemed like a pretty good organization, once upon a time. Now they're hardly a threat in the anime, so they aren't focused on much. You don't even see Butch and Cassidy anymore. But that second Mewtwo movie showed how organized they really could be, and how much Jessie and James didn't live up to. I would imagine that the grunts get paid pretty crappy in general, unless they're doing a mission that's high-profile or requires some specialty work. ... Unless the boss lets you buy giant machines that steal pokéballs only to get destroyed every two days, haha.

    Love your new avatar, by the way! :D SO CUTE.
    I'm glad to hear that most people are so helpful! :D I think part of that is definitely their culture, though. Though the French guy deal is funny! XD Like staring would do anything. At worst it'll make you uncomfortable, but if someone were to do that to me, I'd probably have more of a good time to spite them.

    About TR, I think the same thing! I remember when I saw the first episode, I thought they'd be dangerous. Their motto didn't seem sos illy, and James had a rose (which made him badass for some reason). I thought even if they didn't capture Pikachu, they'd capture something. You're right, too, that they became comic relief so quickly! That makes me think the portrayal was done on purpose-- TR was comical even in the games-- and I wouldn't change it, but hmm.

    I don't even know how Jesse and James are even in TR anymore. XD Lately I wonder if they even get paid. Recently they're shown doing part-time jobs instead of having a yet-again-repaired Meowth balloon.
    That's so awesome! :D I bet your family was really impressed that you took the time to learn the language. No easy feat, I'm sure. I've never been in a foreign country, so I can't imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by an entirely different language. Are you going to keep taking classes until you're fluent?

    And I completely know what you mean by understanding vs. speaking. I'm the same way. D: It feels like I never know the exact words to what I want to say. I suck at linguistics, though.

    Haha, it's fine! ;D Poffins are made out of berries, which are kind of like apricorns. In Pokémon Contests, you give your pokémon Poffins to boost their stats (beauty, cute, etc) and give them a higher chance of winning. I suck at contests, but I love making Poffins because you kinda cook them! Like you spin them in the pot and stuff. And it's fun to do with other people. But you can spill and burn them, too, which is where it gets hard. /easily amused
    Haha, now that you mention it, I can really see why they had the volcano on Cinnabar blow up. XD That, and it gives Blue a chance to seem badass and ignore his gym leader duties! Always a plus!

    Haha, wow! That's a good one! ;D Especially the Pikablu. The fool was probably someone like me who thought the Pikachu promo was adorable. I have all of the Pikachu cards that were released until uhh... 2002 I believe. But seriously, that is awesome.

    German club? o: Are you / have you taken German? I've always wanted to learn the language, but I never did, in spite of my high school offering classes. I took a different language instead. D: I don't go to that college or anything, but I have friends that do and are in the Pokémon club. Though I wish I did, 'cause then I'd have people to make poffins with. :D
    Arr, I started my game over recently and I'm not at Cinnabar yet. D: But I'll check as soon as I get there! But I'm not going to doubt you. I wonder what the deal is with that, then. I know Mewtwo's in-game description says it was created by a scientist, so that it contradicts itself kinda gives birth to a conspiracy theory! ;D

    Traded a lot, huh? :D Did you ever make any good trades? Since I didn't play the game, I was a good trader 'cause I only wanted the pretty-looking cards. I didn't care how powerful it was. And omg, I remember those old cables. XD I still have mine! I could still trade with them if I really wanted to, wow.

    Aww, it's gone now? D: I know the league in my hometown is still kicking, but I've moved since then. The city's college even has a Pokemon club. I still have all of my old cards, too! And my sister gave me hers. I want to give them all to a young player someday. :D I just... don't know any kids, haha.
    Wait, really? The games said Mew gave birth to him? Was this only in RBY, or in FRLG too? I really don't remember that. o: I remember reading all of the notes in the mansion on Cinnabar, and I thought it meant they copied Mew's DNA and adapted it to make Mewtwo a stronger version. So I wasn't surprised in the anime at all, but if that's not the case, I really had no idea! Total news to me.

    So you played in the league? :D That's awesome! No one would ever play with me, so I never did. I know they still have clubs and stuff, but there's a lot of bias against older players participating in the league it seems like, so I don't bother. That and... I really suck at it. But you're more than welcome to talk about it, ya know?

    Pff, if you're an old man, I'm a senile old lady. With five cats. (Well, I only have one.)
    Pff, bother me with what? An anecdote? I AM JUST SO BOTHERED. ;D Srsly, like it would bother me!

    And omg, Mewthree. XD YES. And the pokémon you mentioned still could use an evolution of some sort! Especially Farfetch'd, though I kinda fear what it might look like... and what that leek or whatever would become. Hmm. And on the note of Mewtwo, I was one of those kids that was /genuinely surprised/ when Mewtwo ended up being Mew... two. Which is just pathetic and sad. D:

    Aww, Viridian City is such a pretty theme. :D It's so upbeat and nostalgic. My favorite theme is still Lavender's, but that's because I like creepy, sad-sounding themes sometimes.
    Sadly, I can totally see the wings and baseball bat on that Starmie, haha! XD And you could have called your new Drowzee uhh, Bro-zee. /bricked Sounds like you had a lot of fun, actually! I don't think I would have ever drawn on my cards... I got sad enough when they were bent, nevermind drawn on. I still have this drawing I made of a pre-evolution for Chansey (before it got one, obviously) and it. is. HIDEOUS. I thought it was so awesome, though. Kinda resembled Kirby. The things we do when we're kids...
    Yes exactly, the whole battery thing. XD I don't really wanna do it if it's just going to die again, considering how quickly those batteries died the first time around. Now it's been like nearly ten years or so, BUT STILL.

    And agreed! The GB player is evidence that even something very small and trivial in a game can totally make it better. <3 I think it's an awesome idea, and I'm glad they added it in. And I'm also glad they let any pokémon follow you! When we were kids, after RBY came out, my sis and I invented a "Rainbow" version where everything was better. XD That was one of the improvements, haha.

    Of course I don't mind! :D You simply beat me to it. Though I'm sorry that I was like, "This person must like Gary! TIME TO BOTHER THEM." /shameless
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