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  • Really? I like mushrooms...say, have you ever raised a rabbit? I did, they're great pets, just take in account they ruin gardens very easily!
    Texas BBQ טקסס ברביקיו
    Is there any food you just can't stand? I can't eat hot (not temp) food, it just ruins my mouth, I especially dislike large amounts of pepper.
    And you can always visit Israel yourself, just don't come in summer as it can get very hot here, the highest temperature in the whole of Asia was measured in the Arava at a whopping +54c.
    I live in Jerusalem, but it's really not a problem to get from place to place in Israel as it's a very small country and one can cross it within several hours of bus travel, and it's like 45-60m drive from central bus station Jerusalem to central station Tel-Aviv, and honestly? Jerusalem is getting more and more retarded from day to day, I mean, the east part of the city is like Palestinian! So I visit other cities (especially Tel-Aviv) at least several times a year.
    I eat pork, so what if I'm Jewish? Only about 18% or would Jewry actually observe orthodox Judaism.
    Cheddar sausage? I'll ask in the deli I but in if they have that, there's also a Texan BBQ restaurant in Tel-Aviv who serves that, I'll visit them next week.
    And that was the 666 visitor message on my profile!
    Lol, anyway, what cuts do you like? I like chicken wings, pork chops, pork tenderlion (on skewers) an rib-eye ("entrecote") the most; also going to try lamb T-bone.
    I know this sounds a little ignorant, but what is a buffalo sauce? I'm mostly familiar with Heintz's BBQ sauce, which is very good for stuff like chicken wings.
    Just to think about it, most foods are imported in places like Svalbard and Greenland, did you Inuits eat no plant food at all during the whole winter? The eat a lot f meat and fat, and this doesn't hurt their health-they get vitamin C from raw whale ski and raw seal liver-so much for "meat is unhealthy"...
    I think you don't know what the tree line is: the tree line is the edge of the habitat trees can grow in; beyond that line, trees cannot grow; I specifically reffred to the Arctic tree line, as tree cannot grow in the Arctic tundra; sub-Arctic weather has vast coniferous forests (this is where real Christmas trees grow), but in the tundra only one-year short plants can grow, and on permanent ice caps like in inland Greenland, or, on the other side of the planet, inland Antarctica, no vegetation at all can grow. In short-no tree grow in polar climate.
    And here you have a weather forcast for Ushuaia; remember seasons in the southern hemisphere are reversed, so it's midwinter over there right now:
    World Weather Information Service
    Ushuaia doesn't go much below freezing in winter (thought snow is what you should expect in winter), it just doesn't much above freezing either-temperatures there seldom fall below -8c or exceed +15c. I do plan on visiting it after my first degree, really amazing place!
    And did you consider my suggestion for you to move to Ushuaia? If you hate heat this would be ideal for you, summers there are so cool some years even snow in summer!
    In the 1950 Yemeni Jews suffered such racism they were focred to undergo a "second circumcision", but today it softened up a bit; their features are Caucasian but they can be almost African in pigmentation.
    Actually, the Spanish exclusion of Jews was a para thesis in Spanish history, while it was an important event for the Jews; we even have Jews from Ethiopia, thought they suffer a lot of racism-in 2005 some bus driver slurred an Ethiopian woman "I hate Ethiopians you should all get back to Africa" and refused to lift her on the bus.
    Actually, I'm half Moroccan-Jewish, and we tend to look European despite what you might expect, I met one that just shocked me when she said she's Moroccan, I mean, Emerald eyes, white skin, completely European-looking; just take a look at her:
    תמונות של מיטל גל - וואלה!
    She looks Greek IMO.
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