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  • Such is the fate of unnamed sacrificial lambs. u_u

    It's canon. It has to be at this point. ;_;
    I dunno, I hope the person who made it didn't get in trouble for it.

    Same. We'll be in the car or wherever and I'll put one on and start singing one and she'll be like, "No. ಠ_ಠ"
    But I'll just keep going on about my merry business. :V She really dislikes "Giant Woman" because when I sing it it sounds like I'm singing to her about her.

    Also, I'm on Chapter 2 of Ultra Despair Girls now. Really loving Touko. <3
    How can anyone hate Komaru's English voice she sounds so great and natural most of the time. ;;
    Yer lucky I like ya, HM. *forgives*

    You're welcome. :D

    All the Ayushiki! >:D
    It saddens me that the "Clarity" AMV has been taken down. It was the best one for the song, imo. I'm glad I downloaded it before that happened.

    You and me both. qwq I watch it with my sister and she loves it too... except for the majority of the songs. There's only three that she says she likes. And I'm just like, "whaaaa but they're so fun and catchy??"
    5:50 am!? That's when I go to bed! xD But oh wow, that's some dedication happy! And it's great you're having fun. I'm going to try and transfer to an actual college campus myself next year.

    Oh cute, and no worries! But that makes sense, when I was a youngin' I liked all the bad guys you see... xD

    Then what if you hate how it tastes? :p

    Oh makes sense. I live near water so possible floods are the only thing I need to worry about.
    No worries happy, reply when you can. But having fun in school then?

    Oh do you mean our conversations? Cause I don't feel like our friendship has crumbled. And honestly I don't mind Jasper, I mean she hasn't even done much harm. :p

    Oh wow. xD I never had goat myself.

    But they're so pretty! D:
    Way stronger, I kinda like how she came back together stronger in the sense.. Okay that train of thought crashed. xD But like have you ever fought with someone only to get closer to them after? I feel like Garnet captures that perfectly. And it's a reason like that Jasper had no chance. Though for Ruby what I really love is her multitude of expressions.

    Have you been to a petting zoo to feed goats? They're terrifying when hungry. :p

    Don't wanna deal with ravaging snowstorms?? D: It's a dream for me!
    Have you read the manga prelude as well? [sub]god I still really dislike that promo art[/sub]

    And I see you're a fellow SU fan. :D
    Garnet is made of love. xD Really I like that she's fused by two very lovable gems so I can't hate on Garnet. She was fused awesome. :D

    I can understand that. xD If I was an animal I'd want to strike fear into others! :p

    Really why? xD I LOVE the cold weather.
    Thank you! :D Sapphire, Pearl, and Rose Quartz maybe my fave from SU atm. :p

    Crane? and deer huh? Those are rather elegant animals gotta say. While puppies are just plain cute. :D

    That's insane, forget Vegas. Alaska it is!!!

    Oh that's good then. :3
    Sorry I haven't replied in forever. I got distracted. >.<

    And if oxygen fees are ever a thing, I'll wish I was an animal. Maybe something like a Jaguar!

    I'm fine with that buddy. ^^ Vegas being hot is suddenly a no for me now. I melt in hot weather. D:

    Yay! ^^ Ohh. So you had to delete them twice? That's rough. :c
    I don't think there's a specific date yet, but yeah, before the end of the year it'll be out in the States! :D
    Eh, I am over this. Not the best period in my life but since the ending was nice it's fine. How about you?
    That... might be for the best, lol. There's a number of things I like about the show, but it's hit or miss quite a bit when it comes to the humor. Usually a lot of misses when they pull ridiculous racist stuff, or that episode that focused on the f slur.
    I don't know if I'd really call it interesting... maybe just a bit of fun/useless trivia if you also watch SP. xD;
    Water already comes at a price actually. xD But gee if they charge for air they might as well lock me up and throw away the key! Cause I could never afford an oxygen fee. xD

    *Hugs* I appreciate the hugs! :') Honestly my vacations are never exciting but I want to travel someday. To places like Vegas, and New York actually.

    That's fine by me! I know that feeling actually. My laptop's desktop is barely cluttered too, so it's the perfect example of how neat I can be. ^^
    I started watching that due to the two main characters having a similar relationship to the fandom interpretation of a South Park couple.

    don't laugh at me, i'm old and not up-to-date with all these hip and happening new shows orz Nagi no Asukara. I read the MAL description and it said everyone used to live underwater before a portion of humanity began living on the land... so I guess they're all people but I wondered if anyone called the people in the ocean mermaids. xD
    All these new shows I've never heard of @.@ So they're mermaids but they don't look like typical mermaids?
    It's okay I couldn't even tell myself. xD But yea I find that the best things in life are free, but is there anything truly free? Probably not.

    Mhm. And trust me I usually don't even realize I had a vacation by the time it ends. xD My how nice. :3

    Senpai? I dig that name. xD I wish you the best of luck in that tedious task my friend!

    True true. xD
    Besides Free! the only other sports anime I can remember watching is Oofuri.
    Kuroko no Basuke seems pretty popular I always want to call it Kokoro no Basuke.
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