Darth Darkrai
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  • Also Misty, a smart woman, gives Colleen, who she barely knows, her sword back. IN A POLICE STATION! WTF!?

    And we still don't know what a Black Sky is. Can it fight really well? Is that just it? If that's the case, then that's very lame imo.
    I think Stone is dead, since Stick says all of the Chaste is dead. It's just some plot hole they didn't cover I guess. Stone might still show up in Season 3 of Daredevil but I doubt it.
    Alexandra was underwhelming as f. I liked her character, how she was high class and feared death and such, but she barely did anything. Wilson Fisk might as well have taken her place. Sowande was arguably the most interesting Hand member and he gets killed off quickly in no time. Murakami was boring and did nothing, Nobu was way better.
    The side characters aside from Colleen, Misty and Claire were given jackshit to do. Then even Misty didn't do much and she was only there to have her arm cut off like in the comics. The rest was gathered conveniently in the police station for some weird reason only to do NOTHING!
    I did think it went downhill after she died tbh. Like, we keep hearing of this wall that Iron Fist is the key to, and then it's just some boring wall that is broken with the fist just like a regular wall would. The whole underground stuff just felt like it was on a giant set. We were left with many questions, the War for New York hyped through all series doesn't even really happen.
    Whatever, it's your opinion. I disagree completely but whatever. The last two/three episodes where underwhelming and most reviewers seem to agree on this conclusion. You're the only person I've seen so far who thinks the last few episodes were great.
    An A? That's a really unpopular opinion. I DON'T think it's an A. I really don't think so. The last two episodes were pretty underwhelming.

    And the best show since DD S2? Hell no. Also, have you given any Marvel Netflix show lower than an A?
    I think he may have been on a few Collider shows before. He and Mantz are a lot of fun, I'm rooting for them.
    They're doing a tournament now, four matches a week. Yesterday was Team Trek vs Team CinemaBlend

    Trek consisting of... Jason Inman and Scott Mantz :)
    It was okay-ish. It wasn't for me, I didn't connect with Wonder Woman and overall I thought it was very underwhelming and overhyped. What did Comic Book Guru think?

    I can't get myself to care for the DCEU anymore, it's a massive dumpsterfire. Maybe Justice League will be a bit fun? MAYBE!?!?
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