Supreme Leader Palpitoad
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  • Nederlands wordt gesproken in Nederland, België, Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen. In Zuid-Afrika spreken ze een taal die erg op het Nederlands lijkt, het Afrikaans.
    Gramatically that sentence was a bit off. I would say: "Ik moet zeggen dat jouw Zweeds erg goed is" :)

    Nederlands is best wel een moeilijke taal. Niet veel mensen begrijpen er iets van.
    PFF, I AGREE WITH EVERYONE ELSE, do U want to know a POSSIBLE Spoiler that EVERYONE THINKS what Gosling is or have U Figured it Out from the Trailers too?
    I disagree with that too actually. Although I do need to see it again. But factually speaking, I don't think it can be classified as overrated. It has a hardcore fanbase for sure, but most people don't like it that much.
    Now... I usually NEVER COVER this Genre of Film but I WANT to Mention it! Yesterday with my James, I went and Saw... Annabelle: Creation... MY GOD DID THIS CREEPY ME THE *UCK OUT!! O_O UNLIKE the REALLY *HITTY Horror Films like Ouija or The Bye Bye Man, this Film uses Scares REALLY WELL! It had Pretty Good Buildup to some of the Scares in the Film. It SURE AS HELL CREEPED ME OUT! Overall, B+
    He was ok.

    I thought the film was severely overrated. It was..... decent, but nothing more than that. I don't even think I would watch it again.
    Yep, I getting Met with UNPOPULAR Opinions from the Grade, but it's my Opinion, if it WEREN'T for the Last 3 Episodes, this WOULD have been an A- I'll ARGUE with Neo Over it, but it's My Grade, My Opinion. NO ONE CAN CHANGE THAT! Just saying.
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