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  • Oh god, oh god oh god. Now you're mixing up socialism with communism. Kid, do you even understand what socialism is? It's not communism. It's not Totalitarism. I understand what you are trying to say, but your mixing up socialism with communism and totalitarism here. They're all something utterly and completely different. And then still, you're obviously misinformed due to propeganda, because you likely think communism is bad (Which it isn't in theory) but that most likely your parents' fault.

    Seriously, before even thinking of replying to this, go grab a dictionary or go to wikipedia and look up socialism. You'll see how wrong and ignorant you actually are.
    God your stupid. Shadow Umbreon, do you know the difference between Socialism and Totalitarism? Because you're getting them mixed up badly. You should go google both terms, or ask your dad what they mean or something. But I souldn't be surprised for you being ignorant, you're only 10 years old after all. But if you don't know anything about these topics, then please don't act like you do, nor try to disicuss them with anyone untill you do. You're only making a fool out of yourself.
    If you were an actual Christian (I doubt you are though), you'd probably know that Jesus was always against the rich (he said how they couldn't get into heaven and such), and always chose the side of the poor, and stimulated others to help them (especially the rich, if they'd want to get to heaven).

    So when we look at that, we basically have socialism. Only socialism is a bit more forced, because most people are egoistic. My conclusion: You are one big contradiction.
    You are a Christian and yet you are against socialism? You know that that makes no sense, right?
    1. You just need to think about how other people would read your posts, that's all I'm saying.
    2. When I say Sparta, I'm referring to the meme known as "This is SPARTA!", not the place. If you don't know what I mean, it's a scene from the movie, 300.
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