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  • Im ready to trade right now. Tyrouge and Aipom for Celebi. FC is 3051-8471-9858. Should i use your Platinum or Soul Silver?
    For the Rules in your shop - A Cloned Pokémon or Item, so long as there aren't two EXACTLY THE SAME (OT and All ID No.) Pokémon, you're all right in a hack test. It gets suspicious if you have 30 Event Celebi though, and they can check ID No. for clones.
    Sorry to quadruple post but is it okay for you to trade my Shaymin to HG?

    I know I'm being a hassle, I'm sorry.. :(
    OK, thanks! After we do the trade, I'll get back on with Shaymin.

    And my FCs are in my previous post.

    Thanks for the trade!

    If you're wondering why I had an Arceus already in my party, it's a hacked one...
    Sweet. Thank you so much!

    I'd also ask you to help me trade my Shaymin to HG but I've already troubled you enough.

    EDIT: My FCs are at Turtwig's SnapShop, but here they are anyway:

    Diamond:4770 1701 5046
    HeartGold: 2536 8137 6253
    If it'll still activate the Sinjoh Ruins event, then yes! But wait, my sister took my DS to the theater and she's not back yet...

    EDIT:I got the DS back. I've registered your Platinum FC and I'm in the room with Darkrai, so please be in there soon with a fodder...
    srry, my normal cloner cant clone events so i had to find one that did and he cant trade till tommorow. will u be avaliable?
    ARE YOU SERIOUS. I AM SO SORRY. ahh you should have told me earlier, now you're offline shdkfjhsdkfjhsdkf
    I wrote it all on paper and I was pretty sure, it was crown raikou oh nvm
    Hope to catch you on soon lololol ;;
    aha, over here, education is everything. No As=no future. Its a fact :/ I'm sure your shop will be great at the rate its going. Good luck.
    Most of the people here are from US or basically at the other side of the world from me.
    Its pretty frustrating and annoying to stay up/ get up early just for a trade. Plus, the time when everyone is free, I've school.
    I'm probably gonna quit bulbagarden soon lol
    Its too much work for me. But yeah, thanks for putting up with me.
    Yeah, thanks too. Its not a problem for me, I'm more worried you wouldn't want to trade because your rule states trades after 1 week is canceled lol
    I did post it on your thread but its ok.
    FC: 3997 0641 8495 (Kouki)
    3266 8189 5087 (Rin)
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