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12 real gym leaders

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GGNetwork :D
Dec 24, 2011
Reaction score
how about we make real life gym leaders,there are 11 spots open and is only for gen5. i want to be the dragon and fire type leader.and you can pic what you want to be and only 1 legend are aloud.once i have 11 more members i'll post a new thread where people can battel our mighty gym leader team.also when you join the team post a team name for our group.THERE ARE ONLY 11 SPOTS SO JOIN NOW,THERE CAN ONLY BE 11 COUNTING ME:expect:

rules for gym leaders:
1 legend
only 11 member spots
no duplicate types
has to be gen 5

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I'm interested in being a temporary gym leader. I could serve for about a month, but then I would need a replacement.
why whats the problem.

sorry i had to change it to gen 5 blazingf
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@jobob Please do not post twice in a row unless you have a significant reason for doing so. If you want to make a clarification or add additional information to a previous post, please edit it.
I'd like to be one of the gym leaders; but I have a question... Do I have to stick to 1 or 2 types? Or can I have as many types as I want to, and can we change pokemon as gym leaders, i.e., if i have serperior, garbodor, and seismatoad, can I replace Garbodor with another pokemon? And lastly, can we do single, double, or triple/rotation battles?
@Pokebreeder10 well i would like to keep it as or two but i guess you could be our 1 exception.and as you can tell i'm having a hard time recruting,so if you spread the word on this site.to some of your friends it would be REALLY helpfull
i will but my type would be varied
and what level would it be?
my types if any "one" would be flying, fire, and water
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@Soulmaster,well try to keep it at 1 or 2 types like gym leaders in the game.also the level does not mater as long as your GOOD.thanks for posting back and if you have any more question contact me on this page.and a fire and water master would be cool if you could be that.and as you can tell i'm having a hard time recruting,so if you spread the word on this page.to some of your friends it would be REALLY helpfull
i could be fire and water i would have one other pokemon in there
i haven't battled alot so i depends
my gen 4 team is better but oh well
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@Soulmaster,sorry,hope it still works,and just to let you know i'm glade to tell you,you are the 3rd of the 12 leaders.post back if you are forsure a member of the twelve gym leaders
yeah i will
but how often will we have to battle?
@Soulmaster well i'll send info on the schedule for batteling over this site,also i need you to friend me,and battleing wont start till we have twelve.do you live in texas?i do. i just need to know so when i plan the schedual.
good that makes 3 maybe 4 if pokebreeder10 post back.
@Muk-a-matic, OK,how about somthing more intimadating.and i still have to cheak with the other leaders about the name you offered.and also what type will your team be.
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