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4Kids' e-mail address?


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
I've looked all over both pokemon.com and 4kidsent.com and I can't find any contact information on the company. I know a number of this board's users have contacted them before, so if anyone could give me their e-mail address I'd be very grateful.
Phone number!

212-758-7666 ext 257

Thanks to Correen (Colleen?) at WB32 Portland for this!

And thanks to ItsaMike, one of the newer VAs, I now have contact info for auditioning

Kristen Thorne
Talent Central Coordinator
4Kids Productions
53 W23rd St 11th Floor
New York, NY 10010
By auditioning, what exactly do you do? Show them a resumé, and if they say yes, fly on a plane to California or NY and simply try out?
Yay! Think that auditioning address will still be good in two years, when I get out of school? Because that's what I want to do more than anything, be a VA. It would be awesome if I could get onto Pokemon ^___^
I wonder if the guys who make Pokemon in Japan needs some new episode writers? I bet I could give Pokemon the flare it needed!!! ;)
I highly doubt they'll hire anyone outside of Japan. o_O Not to mention, they're doing quite fine on their own.

And is it just me, does 4Kids seem to be AVOIDING having people contact them because they know they'd be blasted by true fans who know what stupid decisions they make? >_>
Edward Elric said:
And is it just me, does 4Kids seem to be AVOIDING having people contact them because they know they'd be blasted by true fans who know what stupid decisions they make? >_>
Maybe you're right about that one. I bet they have Pokemon forum lurkers disguised as normal Pokemon fans, gather intelligence on us and take it back to 4Kids.

Then they'll go, "Oh, crap!! They're out to get us! Don't send out our e-mail address for the love of god!! We'll be swamped!!"
Well they did steal most of Pokemopolis version of Togepi's origin and used it in the series. That little egg thingy really WAS sucking happiness out of Misty, had godlike powers, and went on to conquer an entire dimension of it's own.
Mario GT said:
Maybe you're right about that one. I bet they have Pokemon forum lurkers disguised as normal Pokemon fans, gather intelligence on us and take it back to 4Kids.

Then they'll go, "Oh, crap!! They're out to get us! Don't send out our e-mail address for the love of god!! We'll be swamped!!"
If that was a case maybe instead of hiding from us they should have taken our advice.
You're reffering to the Abrok>Seviper thing, right? If anyone actually bothers contacting them, I'd like to know how they respond. :D

Edit: lolololNot the Seviper thing I see.
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Another thing that got me today was "Seviper was the best choice against battling Forretress". Isn't Forretress *AHEM* resistant to poison attacks? >:eek:

Kinda an old episode, and not as bad as the Arbok evolution thing, but I still die a little inside when I hear stuff like that :\
The Big Al said:
No, we now just have two problems with 4KIDS now.


Two problems. I've got more than two problems with 4Kids. They been screwing over fans for years now, and I for one have reached my limit of tolerence.


*worries about Harley*
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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