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Review AG165: Usohachi King and Manene Queen!?


∠(>w<) #634
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Japanese title: ウソハチキングとマネネクイーン!?

TV Tokyo doesn't have the preview up yet, so discuss if you've been lucky enough to see it.
Pikachu, Meowth, Bonsly and Manene are seperated from their trainers. At the end, everyone is reunited.

Judging by the title and pairs, we could be seeing some shipping in this one. =D
I always find it odd how quickly Pikachu turns from being downright nasty to Meowth to being his best buddy when the two are split off together.

I mean normally Meowth does it so he can grab Pikachu later but Pikachu's immediate change is just weird. Especially since, generally, Meowth is one of the reasons they've been blasted off like this.

Again, I just repeat my annoyance that every time we get a Pokemon Centric episode without humans, especially ones where Meowth and Pikachu are teamed up that is ALWAYS is down to TR's blasting off for some reason incorperating the others too - despite it being perfectly safe for Ash and Pikachu to be standing practically nose-to-nose with TR other times when they blast them off.

Hopefully the whole seperation thing is over and done with quickly so we can get to the good bits faster.
Actually, I find it that in general that Pikachu is crueler to Meowth than vice versa.

For cripe's sake, he wanted Meowth to DROWN!
The preview for this episode has both shocked and confused me.

TVTokyo changed their entire Pokemon anime page, with an updated main image picture (finally!)

Whoa, not even the BF music was being played...
The new music confuses me. I think it might just be for this specific episode.

At first I thought the men on the bridge were construction workers, but now they seem more like TV producers. Bonsly and Manene make such a cute couple! *fanboy squeel*

Hopefully this episode will take into account that both of them can (well Sudowoodo at least) use Mimic, although I doubt it.
Doctor Oak said:
I always find it odd how quickly Pikachu turns from being downright nasty to Meowth to being his best buddy when the two are split off together.

I mean normally Meowth does it so he can grab Pikachu later but Pikachu's immediate change is just weird. Especially since, generally, Meowth is one of the reasons they've been blasted off like this.

Lol yeah Pikachu is neurotic but in a good way, only to team rocket or bad people then he has a really sweet adorable side that comes out to ash and the gang but the nasty side's for villains, wouldn't wanna make him mad though:uhoh:
Hm. The preview on the site isn't working for me.
The preview opened up in Windows Media Player this time for me. Every other preview has been in Real Player. The format change may be why you cannot view it.
That is one odd preview. For exmple, what was that arrow for?

Still, it looks like my prediction was correct. Besides the Bonsly/Manene scene, (which is admittedly as canon as the OrangeShipping scene in the fourth Misty housou,) Meowth is looking for protection from Pikachu!

The ribbons look like a nod towards Mysterious Dungeon. Im not sure how much they will go through with that...

As for Mimic, it would certainly come in handy for Brock's upcoming contest if Bonsly does learn it.
ok... Weirdest next episode preview EVER!!! I wonder if the new preview music is going to be kept, or if it's just a one episode thing. Looks like they are making a movie? o_O. Certainly doesn't look like a dull episode to me.
(To view the preview, you kind of have to right click and save it, if you don't do that already.)

That looks interesting. I can't wait until next week then! ^^ Why did it look like they were dancing?

Is that background music really new though? I think I've heard it before. (Or is it a remake of some old background music?)
The first piece (The violin music) plays all the time. I believed it was in the Tropius episode when Grovyle was dumped.

The last piece is a song that used to play alot at the end of episodes.
Unregistered said:
(To view the preview, you kind of have to right click and save it, if you don't do that already.)

That looks interesting. I can't wait until next week then! ^^ Why did it look like they were dancing?

Is that background music really new though? I think I've heard it before. (Or is it a remake of some old background music?)
Hrm, I've never had to do that before. Why now?
I don't really get the confusion over the music in the preview... it's pretty clear its only a one-off to go with the way its presented. In fact, if it weren't a week late, i'd have said it would be a Valentine's Day affair.

Although maybe the preview WAS aiming to tie into Valentine's day anyway since it does apply to this week.


Looking good though, Pokemon-Centric eps are always among my favourites.
Althogh they've done this type of episode many a times I think it looks really sweet this time round so I can't wait to see it manene and usohachi looks so sweet together walking along this is the first time iv'e actually found these two so adorable.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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