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Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers- Reverse Edition :-O

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TLZ the Confirmer

I'm out of Zek macros, OK
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
Like I said- reverse, as in first you state an answer, then you get the question that could have possibly been asked to get the answer.



What is 2 + 2?

What is the most memelicious Pokemon evar?

Inagural answer: 42

And now you can see my post backwards, just for the lulz:

.rewsna eht teg ot deksa neeb ylbissop evah dluoc taht noitseuq eht teg uoy neht ,rewsna na etats uoy tsrif ni sa ,esrever -dias i ekil



?2 + 2 si tahw

?rave nomekop suoicilemem tsom eht si tahw

24 :rewsna larugani
What is something I've never heard of?

Soviet Russia.
If we eat sugar, where does sugar eat us?

A peanut.
What is the size of the average politician's brain?

What is the game show where all answers must be in the form of a question for some odd reason?

Because it's fun.
Why do people make lame jokes?

A hop, skip, and a jump.
Which animal starts with an -o and starts with an m?

A few paper fasteners, some balloons, two rice cakes, a Blaziken, a three crocodiles, and a subcompact car.
Where can you find the Sea of Corn?

What always says moo, even when it gets annoying?

Because I told you so.
Why must I kill random strangers I don't know?

Pigs in a football stadium. :XD2:
What's the first African country you can think of?

Cherry Coke.
What is the drink that tastes exactly like Cherry Coke?

Divide by zero.
What is water-wasting and pointless yet inexplicably cute?

A black hole.
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