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First title for 2006!


May the Aura be with you.
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
From Pokeani:

AG 158: Fierce Fighting At The Battle Pike! VS. Pike Queen Lucy!!
Japanese Title: 熱闘バトルチューブ!VSチューブクイーン・アザミ!!

So it's time to see a trained Seviper!
Hopefully, anyway. I wonder if Ash'll get overconfident because of his past with Jessie's seviper.
I really wanted this to be a two-parter, with the first one focussing on Seviper vs. Seviper. But introduction episodes have apparently run off to wherever the fillers have gone, since it looks like we're going straight to the battle.
Who cares about the Seviper?

What's more important is how they'll handle Lucy herself. Will she be sassy and seductive like she's suppossed to be? Will she crack a whip and strut in sultry poses?

Considering she's one of the more "adult" Pokemon girls out there judging by her design, I'm really curious if they tone her down or not for the show. She doesn't wear a tight shirt and tight leather pants for no reason. She looks like some evil goth chick who gets turned on by pain to me.
It's a win-win situation for Lucy really. She can either get Ash in whips and chains and draw pleasure from his pain, or satisfy herself with the viewers anguish as it turns out to be another repeat of "Get attacked consistantly then win with a single blow" where she has less of a personality than a nearby rock.
FabuVinny said:
I really wanted this to be a two-parter, with the first one focussing on Seviper vs. Seviper. But introduction episodes have apparently run off to wherever the fillers have gone, since it looks like we're going straight to the battle.

If they keep this pace up, the BF series will be over by summer easily.

... Would fit in with the current theory that D/P could see release then.

I wonder why the sudden pick-up in pace though? These eps must have been made months and months ago, why change the pacing after just a couple of months of airing?
I think everyone is exagerating on this supposed "pace change"

[HASHTAG]#episodes[/HASHTAG] between Hoenn and Battle Factory: 3
# between Factory and Contest 1: 6
# between Contest 1 and Arena: 4
# between Arena and contest 2: 1
# Between Contest 2 and Dome: 1
# Between Dome and Pike: 4

Seems about as fast paced as Kanto was originally (the "between gym episode" count of early Kanto went something like 4, 1, 6, 7, 3, 3). 6 episodes is FAST compared to Johto and Hoenn. Of course some people don't count May's contests in the same category as Ash's Gyms/Frontier facility challenges, in which case the pace would be (3, 12, 3, 4).

I wouldn;t be surprised if they stuck in some larger blocks of episodes later on, maybe between symbol 6 and 7, or before May enters the Grand Festival.
It's a clear change of pace when they simply drop the 'introductory' ep that they've been doing for the past 3 years with every major battle.
Of course they're going through fast. Johto and Hoenn were nearly 3 YEAR regions.

The Battle Frontier only has a year at the most to be finished. It shouldn't be such a shock. You're comparing a 3 year region to a 1 year region, of course one is going to have less filler than the other.

They have only until summer of next year, they still have 3 more contests for May and a Grand Festival for her. They don't have the time for more filler.
FabuVinny said:
AG 158: Fierce Fighting At The Battle Pike! VS. Pike Queen Lucy!!
Japanese Title: 熱闘バトルチューブ!VSチューブクイーン・アザミ!!

So it's time to see a trained Seviper!
They're kicking off the new year with a Frontier Battle?


I doubt they'll keep the rooms, but it'll be cool, though.
Strawberry Delcatty said:
I doubt they'll keep the rooms, but it'll be cool, though.

Depends if they want to emphasize Ash's luck or not.Cause' if it's one thing Ash DOES have,it's luck.

I think there's two approaches the episode could take.

Ash could breeze through every room without coming across any trouble and get to his battle in no time.Leaving Lucy thoroughly impressed with Ash's luck.Or,he could get into a couple of rough spots and end up in the room where his Pokemon would be healed before the battle.

I do hope they'll keep the rooms.Hell,they can even use this episode to emphasize Team Rocket's *bad luck*. =/
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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